[P2P-F] Fwd: Solidarity Rising Report published!

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 01:03:30 CET 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Matthaei <jmatthae at wellesley.edu>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 1:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: Solidarity Rising Report published!
To: a.drehfal at gmail.com, Alfredo <alfredo at mayfirst.org>, "Ana
Margarida Esteves, Brazil SE, Brown U"
<anamargarida.esteves at gmail.com>, Anne McShiras <amcshiras at gmail.com>,
Brian Van Slyke <brian at toolboxfored.org>, carl ratner
<cr2 at humboldt1.com>, Chris Morales <ccmoral at gmail.com>, "Christine
Letts, SEN, Haverford" <christine.letts at gmail.com>, "Craig Borowiak,
Haverford" <cborowia at haverford.edu>, "Dave Kane, SEN, Maryknoll"
<dkane at maryknoll.org>, "Diana Tung, SEN Res & Pol"
<dianatung.au at gmail.com>, "Djar Horn, SEN Res Pol WG"
<dcarpa3 at verizon.net>, Elandria <elandria at highlandercenter.org>, Emily
Kawano <emily at gmail.com>, Eric Ebel <eebela2 at comcast.net>, Eric Olin
Wright <wright at ssc.wisc.edu>, "ethan miller, S09"
<ethanmiller at riseup.net>, Frederique Apffel-Marglin
<casa.sangapilla at hotmail.com>, Gabriela Russek <grussek at gmail.com>,
Gary Sotnik <gsotnik at gmail.com>, Greg Coleridge <gcoleridge at afsc.org>,
Isidor Wallimann <isidor.wallimann at sunrise.ch>, Jamie McClelland
<jamie at mayfirst.org>, John Bloch <john at bugleg.com>, Jonathon Feinberg
<jonathon.feinberg at gmail.com>, josue guillen <josue at mayfirst.org>,
jude fernando <JFernando at clarku.edu>, "Julie A. Matthaei"
<jmatthae at wellesley.edu>, "Julie Rice, SEN Res & Policy"
<ja_rice at nmsu.edu>, "Kelly Teamey, Bath, UK" <k.teamey at bath.ac.uk>,
Kevin Carson <free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com>, Khalil Shahyd
<khalil05 at aol.com>, Len Krimerman <lenmvgeo at mindspring.com>, Leo
Hwang-Carlos <Hwang-Carlos at gcc.mass.edu>, Lindsay Adams
<ladams9 at gmail.com>, "Loretta Pyles, USSEN Res&Pol Group"
<llpyles at gmail.com>, "Lorette Picciano, Rural Coalition"
<lpicciano at ruralco.org>, Maliha Safri <msafri at drew.edu>, Marianna
Pavlovskaya <mpavlov at hunter.cuny.edu>, Marina Karides
<mkarides at fau.edu>, "Myrna Lascano, BASEN" <crfml at massed.net>, Norman
Bie <norman_bie at yahoo.com>, Paola Lemus <pao.lemuss at gmail.com>, Pat
Woemer <pat.woerner at gmail.com>, Penn Loh <penntufts at comcast.net>,
Rachel Wallis <Rachel.a.wallis at gmail.com>, "Rafael O. Morales, CDCU,
SEN Bd" <RMorales at cdcu.coop>, Rebecca Todd Peters <rpeters at elon.edu>,
Sarah Snider <sarah.a.snider at gmail.com>, Stephen Healy Community
Economies <stephen.healy at gmail.com>, "Tamara Stenn, SEN RPWG, fair
trade" <tstenn at keene.edu>, Tim Gage <timothymgage at gmail.com>, Timothy
Dzurilla <timothy.dzurilla at gmail.com>, "Wolfgang Hoesch, SEN ResPol,
Truman" <whoeschele at commonsabundance.net>

FYI, a new report on solidarity economy in Massachusetts!   See link
below and attached.  Please forward to anyone who might be interested.
In peace and solidarity,

Julie Matthaei
Professor of Economics, Wellesley College
Boardmember, U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
Co-Coordinator, Boston Area Solidarity Economy Network (BASEN)
Cornerstone Cohousing
"The Time for a New Economics is at Hand"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Penn Loh <penntufts at comcast.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 12:18 PM
Subject: Solidarity Rising Report published!
To: Julie Matthaei <jmatthae at wellesley.edu>, Stephen Healy
<stephen.healy at gmail.com>, Craig Borowiak <cborowia at haverford.edu>
Cc: Emily Kawano <emilykawano at gmail.com>

Dear Stephen, Craig, Julie,

Our long awaited report on Solidarity Rising in Massachusetts is
finally ready! I’m attaching the PDF. I’ve also posted it to my
Practical Visionaries blog site:

Thanks to all of you for sharing your experience and the data and
interviews from the Solidarity Economy Mapping Project.

Now, we need help getting this report out. Here’s what you can do:
* Post the blog link to your social media outlets
* Post the report to your organization website
* Forward the report to anyone who you think should have it

Please let me know if you have any other ideas for distribution. We
are working on a more public launch, including some kind of event
later this spring which we’d like to invite you all to.

In solidarity,


Penn Loh
penn.loh at tufts.edu
617 627-4608

Practical Visionaries blog @

Lecturer and Director of Community Practice
Tufts University
Dept of Urban & Environmental Policy and Planning
97 Talbot Avenue
Medford MA 02155

Preferred Pronouns: He, Him, His

Kevin Carson
Senior Fellow, Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org

"You have no authority that we are bound to respect" -- John Perry Barlow
"We are legion. We never forgive. We never forget. Expect us" -- Anonymous

Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
Desktop Regulatory State http://desktopregulatorystate.wordpress.com
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