[P2P-F] input on top 10 commons/p2p trends very welcome

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Jan 4 14:25:35 CET 2017

dear all

your  input would be very welcome for our annual listing of top p2p trends:


so far in this very early draft we have:

   - 1.1 The P2P Infrastructural Revolutio continuesn
   - 1.2 The Cooperative Economy in Rojava
      - 1.2.1 Platform Cooperativism comes of age
   - 1.3 Civic and Commons Renaissance in western european cities
      - 1.3.1 Municipal Coalitions in Spain and beyond
   - 1.4 The emergence of Super-Competent Democracies
   - 1.5 Global Neo-nomadic infrastructures
   - 1.6 Politisation of the Commons / Proliferation of Assemblies of the
      - 1.6.1 Basic Income debate becomes mainstream
   - 1.7 P2P Value report findings on really existing peer production
      - 1.7.1 P2P Foundation research comes of age
   - 1.8 Technological Sovereignty, Distributed Manufacturing, and the
   Commons Turn in Developement
   - 1.9 The year of the blockchain and cryptledger applications, but ALSO
   Open and contributory value accounting
   - 1.10 Gender and Race; diversity and p2p

Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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