[P2P-F] Fwd: Latest ILO news on cooperatives and social and solidarity economy
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Feb 15 08:50:33 CET 2017
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Esim, Simel <esim at ilo.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Latest ILO news on cooperatives and social and solidarity economy
To: "Esim, Simel" <esim at ilo.org>
Dear Colleagues,
In case you do not receive the ILO COOP news update, please see the link
for the latest one below. http://www.ilo.org/global/
If you would like to receive these updates from the ILO on cooperatives and
social and solidarity economy regularly, please sign up on the ILO COOP
website at www.ilo.org/coop
Thank you and best regards,
Can't read this contents? View our online version
February, 2017
A step forward for waste pickers in Turkey
A workshop “Understanding the Role of Waste Pickers and their Cooperatives
in Waste Management and Recycling” was organized by the ILO and the
Ministry of Customs and Trade in Ankara, Turkey, on 20-21 December. >>Read
more. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196Jq4Oit6qtEfg4wpsNBIn>
News from the field The South African and Flanders governments partner with
the ILO to develop a social economy policy framework
This project <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196JBB9ByqFkQlpQCwVTQEk> seeks to
advance the enabling environment for social economy in South Africa through
policy development. It comes as a follow up to a number of social economy
projects implemented by the ILO in partnership with its constituents in the
country in order to enhance the existing knowledge and capacities of the
local and national institutions. >>Read more.
Supporting Cambodian farmer cooperatives to enhance their entrepreneurship
and business development competencies
In November 2016, a training event on business management and development
for pepper farmers’ cooperatives was organized by the Cambodian Institute
for Research and Rural Development (CIRD) in partnership with the ILO in
Cambodia. >>Read more. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196JYDQdJ593exJoOLS6kwe>
L'economie social et solidaire, un facteur pertinent de dévelopement
Le lancement du projet « Promotion des organisations et des mécanismes de
l’économie sociale et solidaire » (Promess) a été annoncé lors d’un atelier
organisé, mercredi 21 décembre 2016, par l’Organisation internationale du
Travail (OIT), en collaboration avec le ministère de la Formation
professionnelle et de l’Emploi, le ministère des Affaires sociales, l’Union
générale tunisienne du travail (UGTT), l’Union tunisienne de l’industrie,
du commerce et de l’artisanat (UTICA) et l’Union tunisienne de
l’agriculture et de la pêche (UTAP). >>Lire la suite
El primer Congreso Continental de Derecho Cooperativo llevado a cabo en
En el marco de la IV Cumbre de Cooperativas de las Américas en noviembre de
2016, en Montevideo, Uruguay, se realizó el primer Congreso Continental de
Derecho Cooperativo, convocado por Cooperativas de las Américas. >>Leer mas
Spotlight on Cooperatives Creating decent jobs for migrants and refugees
through social enterprise in Berlin
Graefewirtschaft, a social enterprise in Berlin run by refugees and
migrants, engages a range of business activities from catering for schools,
canteens, kinder gardens and day care centres, to household services. >>Read
more. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196KUfyL9Illd2whjndBxbZ>
Cooperative Journalism in Greece
"Efimerida ton Syntakton", or “the journalists' journal”, is a cooperative
set up by employees of a major Athens daily in 2012. >>Read more.
ILO Resources Cooperatives and the World of Work No.6 Cooperation in a
changing world of work: Exploring the role of cooperatives in the future of
This note is part of the Cooperatives and World of Work series from the
ILO. It presents some of the ways in which cooperatives are responding to
and have the potential to play a greater role in the changing world of
work. >>Read more. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196LhifnkmP3BePPvC9O13T>
Economía Social y Solidaria y Cooperación Sur – Sur: Nuevos Desafíos y
Lecciones Aprendidas: Compilación de artículos cortos sobre la Cooperación
Sur–Sur: Academia sobre Economía Social y Solidaria
Estos artículos fueron escritos principalmente por participantes en la
edición 2016 de la Academia SSE, que recibieron una "Beca Sur-Sur". Los
artículos ofrecen al público más de 40 visiones diferentes de la Economía
Social y Solidaria a nivel local en una amplia gama de lugares en todo el
mundo. >>Leer mas. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196LEkVZv1iLZr9nHR60uVN>
Decent work in care economy
The care economy has enormous potential for employment generation in the
coming years. Changing demographics and gender roles mean that finding
solutions to care work is essential if women are to truly have equal
opportunities in the world of work. As such, promoting decent work in the
care economy is becoming an increasingly important area for ILO’s work. >>See
animation. <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196LPRhiAlxDbxj9NYz6JRK>
A guide to finance for social enterprises in South Africa
ILO’s Pretoria office has published a guide for social enterprises to help
them access funding in order to grow and scale up their business
activities. The guide includes practical steps towards understanding the
different options small and medium-sized social enterprises have for
successful fundraising. >>Read more.
ILO Coop staff news
Mr Hyunjoon Joo completed a two years secondment with ILO COOP, while Ms
Laura Cicciarelli has joined the Unit as an intern. Read more about ILO
COOP staff news here <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196MoqjdQkgcLPMu6kYpsFB>
ILO is recruiting a Chief Technical Advisor to work on social economy
policy in South Africa
The ILO is seeking to recruit a chief technical advisor for the 3-year
project “Development of a Social Economy Policy for South Africa”. The
Economic Development Department (EDD) as is the national implementing
partner for this project funded by the Flanders and South African
governments. Apply by 22 February. >> Read more
16-17 Platform Cooperatives, a two day conference in the collaborative
economy. London, UK <http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196MWZl96iYMm8fOoHnIbts>
3 Deadline for abstracts and proposals to "Developing Inclusive,
Collaborative and Responsible Business:
<http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196N8vGsbDdDyepAuOQOqpp> Co-operatives in
Theory, Policy and Practice" Stirling, Scotland, June 20-23
<http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196Nk21LgXsuKkzmAWjUFlm>, 2017 - *Note extended
deadline for abstracts!*
6 Co-operatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: Combining
Economic and Social Power to Act for a Better Future, San Paulo, Brazil.
15 Deadline for abstracts "Community Innovation and Social
Enterprises" Conference July 12 - 14, 2017, Nova Scotia, Canada
18-21 10th Cooperative Minister's Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam
26-30 8th Edition of Social and Solidarity Economy Academy "Innovative
Ecosystem for SSE Public Policies: a contribution to the future of work",
Seoul, South Korea
1 Deadline for application My.COOP Managing your agricultural cooperative
<http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196NSB3GwWb4kD2GTiJdo9d>, October 2 - December 8
17-20 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development, Praia, Cabo Verde
14 - 17 ICA Global Conference and General Assembly, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1 Deadline for papers for the International Labour Review
<http://ilo.msgfocus.com/c/196Ora5BMUTDUVw1bF8w6X4> publication of a
special issue on the future of work to mark the Organization’s centenary in
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Cooperatives Unit, Enterprises Department
International Labour Organization
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CH-1211 Geneva 22
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