[P2P-F] Fwd: [commoning] The Commons, The State & New Political Movements -> WSF Montreal

Kevin Flanagan kev.flanagan at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 21:51:48 CEST 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Silke Helfrich <silke.helfrich at gmx.de>
Date: 29 June 2016 at 20:55
Subject: [commoning] The Commons, The State & New Political Movements ->
WSF Montreal
To: COMMONING LIste engl <commoning at lists.commons-institut.org>
Cc: Tomislav Tomasevic <ttomislav at gmail.com>, Heike Loeschmann <
Loeschmann at boell.de>, Sophie Bloemen <sbloemen at bits-of-information.org>,
David Hammerstein <hammerstein.david3 at gmail.com>

Dear all,

within the "Commons Space" of the next WSF in Montreal (August 9 to August
14); we plan to organize a session on

The Commons, the State and New Political Movements!
(probably on Thursday, August 11 in the Self-Organized Workshop slot of the

We would love to have this discussion with people who plan to go to
Montreal anyway and are concerned with the issue. Therefore, I need your

Please let me know if you:
- participate in the WSF and are interested in the topic
- know other ppl. who go and should be part of the discussion (from Greece,
Spain, Brasil, Croatia, France, the USA, Bolivia etc, etc?)
- have in mind ppl. you would love to involve in this discussion and who
need to be part if it but don't plan to go to Montreal, let me know anyway
for some further coordination
(Name dropping is ok, I can do some further research, an e-mail contact
would be fine however)

For more commons related activities at the WSF, you might consider to
subscribe at: https://lists.p2pfoundation.net/wws/info/wsf2016
(there is also a hackpad we are using for some basic coordination, you
might have seen it on this list.)

Thanks a lot in advance,

Warm greetings


6. The Commons, the State and New Political Movements
(Commons Strategies Group)

The Market/State is in crisis, and the Commons offers a way to go beyond
both Market and State.  So can the Commons help us move beyond the current
crisis?  Does this moment represent a window of opportunity to widen the
space for commoning -- or will the deep structural crisis of neoliberalism
simply accelerate enclosures, hyper-nationalism and repression as it
struggles to retain its hegemony?

If we understand the state as a complex institutional system that
solidifies power relationships in society, the question for our time is
whether commoners are capable of re-imagining state power to shift
legality, resources and support for the commons.  We need to assess the
achievements and limitations of the many system-change movements to date.
What lessons can we learn from the Occupy movement worldwide,
"Nuit debout" in France, M15/Podemos in Spain, the Bolivian social
movements that spurred political change years ago, Brasilian movements, the
climate justice movement and, more recently, the surprising success
of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign?

Each of these movements have shown that change comes from the edges and
from below, not from within the system.  But it remains an open question
how transformative and "commonistic" these movements have been or could
be.  How do they frame their work, strategies and slogans?  What role do
they play in the fight for the commons and what role does the commons as a
discourse and paradigm play for them?
This topic is fairly unexplored.  Therefore, we suggest an open space for
discussion with 4-5 inputs, 5 minutes each and a moderated discussion (evt.

Organizers: Silke Helfrich, Commons Strategies Group
Elizabetta Cangelosi (transform, Coordinator, Logistics)
Participants: from, Mexico, Bolivia, Spain, Europe, USA, Greece

Silke Helfrich
Commoning mailing list
Commons-Institut e.V. Germany
Commoning at lists.commons-institut.org

Skype: kev.flanagan
Phone: +353 87 743 5660
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