[P2P-F] Micro and nano-tribunes and power generators

Orsan orsan1234 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 02:47:24 CET 2016

The title got me think of real micro- or nano-turbine technologies being developed to produce electricity. For instance, if used inside water pipes and ways, such technology would turn entire city and rural delivery and sanitation systems more productive at the micro and nano levels then huge dams and other smaller central hydro electricity generators. Something like this could complete the convergence between energy and communication technologies as in Rifkin's theory, at the same physical level. While thinking on this remembered once seeing a working nano-engine being used at an experiment at CERN at the atomic level. Of course if engine do exist then tribune should also be so. Googled "nano tribune electricity" and found that it does exist, and developed: http://www.nanowerk.com/news2/green/newsid=27983.php
In case collectively opened up, peer to peer produced, and implemented, these really micro power technologies would not only destroy the state and corporate monopoly over the energy production, but also Harvey's pessimistic argument about we people's being dependent on central structures for the creation and maintenance of large infrastructures and services, as dams, roads, hospitals and schools. 
If Sensorica, or any open science groups would go towards this direction, it would obviously more impactful than it sounds. 

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> On 8 jan. 2016, at 23:23, Roberto Verzola <rverzola at gn.apc.org> wrote:
> I just finished the piece "Can micropower be as deep a game-changer as
> microprocessing?" It can be downloaded at:
> https://rverzola.wordpress.com/2016/01/07/can-micropower-become-as-deep-a-game-changer-as-microprocessing/
> By "deep", I mean being able to change the rules of the game not only
> within the industry itself but in society as a whole. In the piece, I
> note that the declining prices of renewables such as solar and wind
> seem to have brought the renewables sector at the same take-off point
> that microprocessing was some three decades ago. 
> I analyze the developments from the perspective I've been pursuing,
> which is the perspective of abundance. I note that these declining
> prices, exponential increases in production, and expanding markets are
> bringing these renewables into operating points where the economics of
> increasing returns to scale start to take-over, leading to a virtuous
> cycle of more rounds of price declines and higher production, the same
> kind of economic growth pattern we have seen in the information sector.
> These are typical features of the onset of abundance.
> I discuss in the piece what might be the conditions that can make
> small-scale generation with renewables as deep a game-changer as
> microprocessors have been. 
> Greetings to all,
> Roberto Verzola
> Philippines
> PS. Those who want more details about developments in renewables from
> the perspective of a developing country, you can also download my
> ELECTRICITY. Just google the title.
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2016 19:03:57 +0700
> Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net> wrote:
>> see
>> http://excellencereporter.com/2016/01/07/michel-bauwens-the-meaning-that-we-give-to-life/
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