[P2P-F] a local value standard for money

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Feb 2 13:22:31 CET 2016

an argument from shann turnbull

""I cannot see how money can become democratic unless its value is
determined independently of the financial system just as standards of
weights and measures are determined independently of those that use them as
a common good."

Local Standard of Value


Shann Turnbull:

"I cannot see how money can become democratic unless its value is
determined independently of the financial system just as standards of
weights and measures are determined independently of those that use them as
a common good.

A local standard of value established in each bio-region would allow anyone
in that region to enter intro contract to exchange goods and services with
reference to the accepted standard. There would be no need for either a
centralised or distributed ledger even if one was kept.

Establishing the standard of value on a democratic basis becomes a
governance problem not a financial one. Millions of producer and/or
suppliers of benign renewable energy being shared through a cooperative
creates a democratic governance arrangement that unlike LIBOR or foreign
exchanges could have its value cross checked by millions of its stake
holding suppliers/consumers.

I would caution the call of requiring money to be created without debt
unless you also specify "Bank" debt. If we are going to use money as a
medium of exchange it will be creating private peer to peer debt!

If you want democratic money then we cannot have money that creates money
by earning interest. The ability of money to earn interest also
misallocated resources to creating money rather than investing in real
things that can increase prosperity on a sustainable basis without growth
and even with de-growth." (email, February 2016)

Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

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