[P2P-F] Fwd: 20 Republican Electoral College voters are considering flipping ...

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 17:50:06 CET 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jerome Glenn <jglenn at igc.org>
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:37 PM
Subject: 20 Republican Electoral College voters are considering flipping ...
To: Kirstin Elaine Martin <kirstin at sparx3.com>
Cc: Hazel Henderson <hazel.henderson at ethicalmarkets.com>, Michael Hopkins <
mjdhopkins at mhcinternational.com>, Jean Gaddy Wilson <jeangaddywilson at aol.com>,
"Lippin, Richard A. MD" <ralippin at aol.com>, Jeremy Leggett <
jeremy.leggett at solarcentury.com>, Anders Wijkman <anders at wijkman.se>,
Graeme Maxton <secgen at clubofrome.org>, "Garry Jacobs, World Academy of Art
& Science" <garry.jacobs at worldacademy.org>, Mila Popovich <
milapopovich at gmail.com>, Michaela Walsh <mahalia935 at gmail.com>, Judith
Moyers <moyersj at moyersmedia.com>, "David E. Martin" <dem at m-cam.com>,
"Bauwens, Michel" <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, "Jones, Joy V. Esq." <
joyvjones at aol.com>, "Barcena, Alicia" <Alicia.BARCENA at cepal.org>, David
Berry <Davidberry at aol.com>, yul anderson <yul69 at yahoo.com>, Jerroll Sanders
<jerrollms at yahoo.com>, "Malveaux, Julianne" <jmnia at aol.com>, Juan Carlos
Castilla-Rubio <jc at planetaryskin.org>, Rosalinda Sanquiche <
rsanquiche at hotmail.com>, "Baskin, Roberta" <roberta_baskin at yahoo.com>,
Wendy Stephenson <wendystephenson at theconvergingworld.org>


*BY BROOKE SEIPEL - **12/13/16 09:19 PM EST*

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig said Tuesday that 20
Republican Electoral College voters are considering flipping to vote
against Donald Trump <http://thehill.com/people/donald-trump>, more than
half the number of anti-Trump votes needed to stall the president-elect
from being sworn into office.

"Obviously, whether an elector ultimately votes his or her conscience will
depend in part upon whether there are enough doing the same. We now believe
there are more than half the number needed to change the result seriously
considering making that vote," Lessig told Politico

Lessig has been offering free legal counsel to "faithless electors" who are
considering casting a ballot for an alternative candidate as opposed to
Trump, who earned 306 electoral votes on Election Day, well above the
necessary 270.

The claim that as many as 20 GOP electors would vote against Trump and the
wishes of a majority of voters in their states flies against other reports.

Only a few voters have publicly said they will not back the results of
their home states, and virtually every GOP elector reached by The Hill
they will vote enthusiastically for Trump.

Politico, citing GOP sources, reported that a Republican whip operation
found only one elector, Chris Suprun of Texas, would vote against Trump.

Suprun announced
a Dec. 5 op-ed in The New York Times that he would not vote for Trump.

So-called faithless electors are also a relatively rare occurrence in the
Electoral College.

Only 82 electors in U.S. history have voted against their state's popular
vote. None of those changed the outcome of an election.

Electors will cast their ballots on Monday.

*This story was updated at 9:30 a.m. *

*From:* Kirstin Elaine Martin [mailto:kirstin at sparx3.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 13, 2016 3:32 PM
*To:* Jerome Glenn
*Cc:* Hazel Henderson; Michael Hopkins; Jean Gaddy Wilson; Lippin, Richard
A. MD; Jeremy Leggett; Anders Wijkman; Graeme Maxton; Garry Jacobs, World
Academy of Art & Science; Mila Popovich; Michaela Walsh; Judith Moyers;
David E. Martin; Bauwens, Michel; Jones, Joy V. Esq.; Barcena, Alicia;
David Berry; yul anderson; Jerroll Sanders; Malveaux, Julianne; Juan Carlos
Castilla-Rubio; Rosalinda Sanquiche; Baskin, Roberta; Wendy Stephenson
*Subject:* Re: Congressman Jim Hines (D.CT.) asks electoral college to
block Trump | MSNBC

I meant I look forward to hearing you Jerroll Sanders!  Sorry for the
confusion, too much going on to keep track of all of Hazel's amazing circle


On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Kirstin Elaine Martin <kirstin at sparx3.com>

Actually Jerome, I was part of the group that put together the original,
most accurate, definitive database of all the electors, with their phones,
email, Facebook pages and Twitter, etc. and we handed it off to people high
up  in the DNC and even the Obama Administration. My group is
#FactsForAmerica and you can find us on Twitter as @factsforAmerica.

However, we do not give access to that database anymore, nor are people
encouraged to do individual outreach at this stage, because many of those
electors are either Christian Militia members, white supremacists or GOP
party officials actively engaged in suppressing the vote and now trying
whip their fellow electors into sticking with Trump.

We spend a week or more on this effort for 12 hours each day and did the
homework and even so, it is daunting to try and figure out which electors
to call, how to persuade each one, etc. Instead, what is recommended is
that people do what you are doing, speak out to the public at large and to
our senior officials so that they will have the conversations with the EC
using data, facts and strong, united public opinion. I called again today
my Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey and my Congressman Seth Moulton,
as well as President Obama and Attorney General Lynch, asking them to do
their jobs and delay the electoral college vote, present the Russian and
conflict of interest findings to them, etc.

If you want more details about the person who headed up this Facts For
America effort, you can go to www.shoqvalue.com. Or call me anytime at 917
523 9163 and I will fill you  in.

Now we need to stay focused on asking the EC to vote for Hillary Clinton
but through posts on Facebook, Twitter, email to friends and phone calls to
leaders. We also need to express outrage at the dangers, conflicts of
interest, Russian interference and so many other reasons why our elected
officials in both parties must step up now.




On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Jerome Glenn <jglenn at igc.org> wrote:

Did you read 10/31 Slate piece by Foer on Aloha Bank?
Good to see Bob Baer this Sat call for a redo election
Wash Post piece 12/8 was landmark blockbuster start
David Corn calls this much bigger than Watergate
Have you read Malcolm Nance?  Important work - (in a private email exchange
- Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson like his work)
Trump denials make it clearer of Russian involvement

I say Trump is Putin's next oligarch and US is his territory.
Harry Reid calling Comey out yesterday important point.
Detroit voting machines 80 machines did not work - big deal

-----Original Message-----
From: Hazel Henderson [mailto:hazel.henderson at ethicalmarkets.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 11:53 AM
To: 'Michael Hopkins'; 'Kirstin Elaine Martin'; Jean Gaddy Wilson; Lippin,
Richard A. MD (ralippin at aol.com); Jeremy Leggett; Anders Wijkman
(anders at wijkman.se); Graeme Maxton; 'Garry Jacobs, World Academy of Art &
Science'; Mila Popovich; Michaela Walsh; Judith Moyers
(moyersj at moyersmedia.com); David E. Martin; Bauwens, Michel
(michelsub2004 at gmail.com); Jones, Joy V. Esq. (joyvjones at aol.com); Barcena,
Alicia (Alicia.BARCENA at cepal.org)
Cc: Davidberry at aol.com; yul anderson; jerrollms at yahoo.com; Malveaux,
Julianne (jmnia at aol.com); Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio; Rosalinda Sanquiche;
Jerome Glenn - American Council for the United Nations (jglenn at igc.org);
Baskin, Roberta (roberta_baskin at yahoo.com); Wendy Stephenson
Subject: FW: Congressman Jim Hines (D.CT.) asks electoral college to block

Trump | MSNBC

  Hi Michael and All :  Congressman  Jim Hines  on MSNBC , see link below .


President, Ethical Markets Media; Author, Mapping the Global Transition to
the Solar Age Hazel.Henderson at ethicalmarkets.com

Subject: Congressman asks electoral college to block Trump | MSNBC



Kirstin Elaine Martin


*www.sparxcubed.com <http://www.sparxcubed.com>*

+1 917 523 9163


Kirstin Elaine Martin


*www.sparxcubed.com <http://www.sparxcubed.com>*

+1 917 523 9163

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