[P2P-F] The social movement behind Corbyn

Anna Harris anna at shsh.co.uk
Mon Aug 29 14:44:10 CEST 2016


'The cause of this lies deeper still, in the subjugation of democracy by the corporations and the financial institutions. Sovereignty lies not with Parliament but with extra-parliamentary forces that dictate to nation states and their institutions.

This is the essence of the crisis of democracy which is ultimately pushing the Corbyn phenomena. So it’s heartening that in a statement as voting began, Corbyn pledged to ‘extend democracy across Britain’, including a commitment to a ‘radical overhaul of the constitution’. He said:

“We will support radical devolution of power to local councils, regions and nations, in consultation with party members and local people; replace the House of Lords with an elected second chamber; end the ‘revolving door’ corporate grip on politics and the civil service; and create a new role for citizens’ assemblies in shaping political accountability for the future.

“We will give people a real say in their local communities, through democratic participation in budgeting, online democracy and control of local services; full transparency in public decision-making and contracts with private companies; and a citizens’ right to challenge the outsourcing and privatisation of local services through referendums.”'

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