[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] a short response to queries about the p2p'f workings in WSF

Orsan Senalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 15:29:47 CEST 2016

It was 3 years ago may be amongst all others things you do can't remember well; but what you offered was not a support to me, you offered me to be the 'labour person' of the foundation since there was no one intellectually and theory wise good enough at your network. 

My reply was after saying I appreciated a lot for the offer; was like this: 'for me it is more adequate to be independent from any group or institution, since I was active in autonomous movements' and I had my own projects to build.

It was never about any doubt about your intentions or grand strategy to serve the enemy, consciously. What I do address from the beginning is the structural dynamical, political and ideological forces that are several steps ahead. And If there is any one (else then myself - since I know my self better then anyone else) I can trust in the capacity and creativity of being able to see the whole (also enemy grand strategy) and generate reversal perspective, that would have been you. But the networks you encounter, or chose to involve and engage, have put me in doubt several times about your genuine intention. 

Again, I never accused you or anyone; not even thought of you as CIA agent or anything like that. My doubt has been simply between if you, and others do what you or they do simply for your or their own gains or really for the objectives you or they claim to commit. This doubt is hard to proof but is totally different then what you suggest me to have about you / or others. That is why I would always read your (and others' work) writings, and benefit from them fully; but more then before I would prefer to stay in distance from any organic tie with you, thus the foundation, as I wouldn't with TNI, or similar NGOs, or trade unions, or political parties; where people are experts of appearing idealist and committed to cause while all they do best is to work for themselves as prior and promote them as good.

At least, before I stop and out too, should I say i am happy to hear that your precarious days are over finally.



> On 16 Aug 2016, at 14:45, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net> wrote:
> n fact, you will remember that in a period where most of us and myself included, were suffering from extreme precarity, we still wanted to engage in seeking support for your work ... that you found this offer offensive and proof that I was a rich CIA agent, is your prerogative .. but it also meant that from that moment on, while I would still dialogue, I would keep you with long pole away ...

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