[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] who is for and who is against basic income

Orsan Senalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 17:49:56 CEST 2016

Sorry yes I saw it, it did posted on the list, was just reading some off the email and it sounded like discussion is going round. So may be it can be thought not as 'universal income' as promoted or supported by left-neo-liberals but can it be reformulated, in a more radical way do you think? Or why should it hurt the other demands but complete them, that part I didn't get? 


> On 10 Aug 2016, at 17:16, Dmytri Kleiner <dk at trick.ca> wrote:
>> On , Orsan wrote:
>> I think if left
>> or progressive forces could bring it forward as part of a broader
>> program;
> Yes, I cover this in detail in my response to Ursula, and conclude that adding UBI to this program is not needed and only hurts the campaign for the other demands in the program.
> Did this not make the list?
> -- 
> Dmytri Kleiner
> http://dmytri.info
> @dmytri

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