[P2P-F] Fwd: [commoning] Open Call for Pixelache Helsinki 2016 Festival – Interfaces for Empathy – 22-25.9.2016

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Apr 14 01:24:12 CEST 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: andrew gryf paterson <agryfp at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 6:23 AM
Subject: [commoning] Open Call for Pixelache Helsinki 2016 Festival –
Interfaces for Empathy – 22-25.9.2016
To: commoning at lists.commons-institut.org

// apologies for cross-posting //

Festival dates: 22.-25.9.2016
Deadline to apply: 1.5.2016

For whom: artists, activists, scientists, thinkers and doers + everything
in between also groups and collectives.

For what: performances, interventions, installations, talks, workshops,
actions, processes, in any field.

The perspective that Pixelache’s 2016 festival Interfaces for Empathy
explores is one of empathy. The festival sets out to engage with the
question and proposal that maybe empathy could be learned, found or
especially re-found through bodily experience and presence or experimental
communication that is not limited only in between humans. The festival
embraces embodied and alternate visions of perception that distance us from
the perceptual machines that we might be in danger of becoming due to
sense-altering medias and augmented realities. Is it possible, through this
very basic ability to sense or identify, to change the narrative of the
human-kind towards being a more balanced part of the ecosystems we live
within? The dimension of empathy we are especially exploring in this years
festival is on microlevel; individual experience, identity and on personal

The festival’s main venue is Lapinlahti former psychiatric hospital in
central Helsinki, Finland. Despite of the hospital area’s central location
in the city, it is situated close to the sea and surrounded by big park &
cemetery. There are several indoor and outdoor spaces in the environment
that used to be part of the first psychiatric institution of Finland. The
festival also reaches out to other places in the city through collaboration
with Kiasma - the Museum of Contemporary Art and MUU galleries.

Some projects from the festival will be chosen to tour in two other towns
in Finland, Jyväskylä and Rovaniemi, in November 2016.

Read also

Please send your proposal through the online form at
<http://www.pixelache.ac>www.pixelache.ac website. The information about
the call results will be sent in May 2016. The festival program is planned
through collaborative process by festival co-directors Mari Keski-Korsu and
Petri Ruikka, Pixelache member & artist Egle Oddo, researchers Katri
Saarikivi and Valtteri Wikström from NEMO research group and Helsinki
University, artist and professor from IT University of Copenhagen Laura
Beloff and other Pixelache members.

If you have any questions, please contact <festival at pixelache.ac>
festival at pixelache.ac

andrew gryf patersonm.fi +358 50402 3828 [permanent]m.lv +371 28 689
482 [prepaid when lv]http://agryfp.info | http://j.mp/agryfp-archive
socialmedia id: agryfp

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