[P2P-F] "Workshop on the Sharing Economy" ( Call for Papers - Utrecht University )

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 02:00:04 CET 2015


*The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University,
The Netherlands, has launched a call for papers for the first International
Workshop on the Sharing Economy on 4-5 June 2015.*

[image: utrecht]

In a strict sense, the sharing economy can be defined as consumers granting
each other (“peer-to-peer”) temporary access to their under-utilized
physical assets, possibly for money. In a broader sense, the sharing
economy also includes peer-to-peer services (Uber, Lending Club,
Taskrabbit, Helpling), product-service systems (Zipcar, Philips lighting)
and redistribution markets (eBay, freecycling groups on Facebook).

Along with its rapid growth, however, the sharing economy has also come
under fire. This criticism focuses in particular on unfair competition
between platforms and regular companies, overrated environmental gains, the
tendency towards monopoly and the erosion of workers’ rights. In sum,
sharing practices yield promises and problems, which only recently have
become subject of scientific research.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from all disciplines and
regions to discuss scientific research on the sharing economy. *Send in
your full paper or extended abstract to k.frenken at uu.nl <k.frenken at uu.nl>
before March 15, 2015.*



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