[P2P-F] Fwd: Call for papers - Special volume: Technology & Degrowth

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Jul 14 18:04:51 CEST 2015

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From: Mikuláš Černík <mikulas.cernik at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Call for papers - Special volume: Technology & Degrowth
Cc: Christian Kerschner <christian.kerschner at gmail.com>,
petra.waechter at univie.ac.at, linda.nierling at kit.edu,
melfhinrichehlers at gmail.com

Dear colleague,

 I am very happy to inform you, that the proposal of our special issue has
been accepted by the Journal of Cleaner Production.

 For more information follow the link or read the full Call for Papers
below: *http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.06.107

 As invited authors we are looking forward to your full paper contribution,
which should be sent to us no later than the 1st of December 2015 for an
internal review. After passing this stage, we will forward your papers for
peer review by the 15th of January 2016.

 If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get back to us.

 Mikuláš Černík

 for the Editorial Team:

Christian Kerschner, Petra Wächter, Linda Nierling, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers


 Call for papers

Special volume: technology and Degrowth

 Christian Kerschnera, Petra Wächterb, Linda Nierlingc, Melf-Hinrich Ehlersd

 a Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

b Post-Doc, University of Vienna, Austria

c Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

d Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Group, The James Hutton
Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland

 Received 24 June 2015, Accepted 24 June 2015, Available online 10 July 2015

Under a Creative Commons license


 Few issues in the rapidly expanding body of Degrowth research (e.g.
D'Alisa et al., 2014, Sekulova et al., 2013 and Kallis et al., 2010) are as
controversial and at the same time scientifically underexplored as the role
of technology in the transition to a Degrowth society. The declaration of
the Barcelona conference in 2010 called for selective moratoria on certain
technologies (“Barcelona Declaration”, 2010), but discussions in Leipzig in
2014 were far from such a consensus. Two contrapositions were apparent:
technology criticism following Illich, 1973, Elull, 1964 and Schumacher,
1973 and other critical authors versus technology enthusiasm that, for
example, agrees with Gorz (1994) on the potential of digital fabricators.
Ideas of simplification of life with less or low technology clash with
visions of a true democratisation of society through the use of certain
technologies (both high and low tech) such as open source programming, DIY
tractors and photovoltaic panels. However, reality is not as “black and
white” as it may seem. There is a wide range of potentially overlapping
positions around scepticism and enthusiasm towards the role of technologies
in Degrowth. This special volume aims to present and discuss these
positions based on theoretical and empirical perspectives from authors with
diverse backgrounds such as Science and Technology Studies, Philosophy of
Technology, Ecological Economics, Industrial Ecology, Technology
Assessment, Innovation Studies, Political Science and Anthropology. It
focuses on how technology transforms ecology, society and the economy and
emphasizes inter- and transdisciplinary approaches.

 The special volume aims to both provide 1) a state of the art selection of
current discussions of the role of technology within Degrowth in academia
and practice and 2) a deepened reflection on technologies with the aim to
specify perspectives and to overcome their entrenchment. The first section
will revisit influential thinkers (Illich, Elull, Schumacher,
Georgescu-Roegen, Castoriadis, the Luddites, etc.) and introduce promising
approaches towards technology, which have not yet entered the Degrowth
discourse. The second section will provide space for authors calling for a
“democratisation of technology”, including practice-oriented case studies.
These argue, among others, that problems of technology can be overcome
through open access and elimination of undemocratic control by corporations
and elites. A third section includes contributions from authors showing how
technologies can be evaluated and assessed from a Degrowth perspective.
These contributions depart from the premise that technologies are neither
per se beneficial nor detrimental for a Degrowth society. They develop
normative guidelines and selection criteria for a framework to map roles of
technologies in the Degrowth context. Finally, we are open to complementary
analyses of Degrowth and technology, which explore novel takes on this
important issue and provide outlooks on how future practice and research on
technology and Degrowth might or should unfold.

 1. List of sub-topics for this special issue

1.1. Degrowth and technology: theoretical and historical perspectives

 The existing Degrowth literature builds on the ideas and concepts of a
variety of past and contemporary perspectives on technology (Latouche,
2009), starting from the works of Georgescu Roegen (1971), Illich (1973),
over Mumford (1967) to Elull, 1964 and Castoriadis, 1985 and others such as
Bijker, 1995, Dickson, 1975, Feenberg, 1999 and Sclove, 1995 and Winner

 1.1.1. Key authors revisited

 We would welcome contributions, be it reviews, empirical applications or
other rigorous analyses that revisit these authors and others that further
the debate on technology and Degrowth. We are looking for new insights and
interpretations as well as succinct summaries from a Degrowth perspective.
How can the work of these authors shed light on the challenges of today and
provide an interpretative framework for the role of technology in a
Degrowth society and for mainstream concepts such as the Green Economy or
of Alternative Technology as it was popular in the 1970s? We also encourage
authors to scrutinize theories of democratization of technology, which are
popular in the Degrowth community, particularly with respect to feasibility
of democratization of technology in Degrowth contexts.

 1.1.2. Historical events and analyses of alternative approaches to

 Continuing to examine the past, we would like to invite historical
analysis of past events or experiences of communities that consciously
rejected the introduction of new technologies for cultural, social or other
reasons. Movements like the (Neo-)Luddites or communities like the Amish
would be examples. These reject, for example, goals of economic
rationalization and technological efficiency and optimization, in favor of
other values. Authors should look into these phenomena with scientific
rigor and method and avoid mere description. Biophysical (e.g. social
metabolisms), social, economic and political science perspectives are

 1.1.3. New developments and debates

 Research on the relationship between society and science and technology
has developed its own fields such as STS (Science and Technology Studies),
Philosophy of Technology, Risk Research and Innovation Studies. We are
looking for authors from these fields, who engage critically with the role
of technology for a Degrowth society. Authors may take critical standpoints
towards the mainstream dogma of accelerating whatever technological
development and adoption to pursue economic growth. We are looking for new
ways of seeing innovation and technologies, well-elaborated critiques of
mainstream technological optimism and economic efficiency improvements as
well as insights from other perspectives, which do not necessarily engage
directly with technology, like ethics, feminism, critical theory or
Marxism. Contributions can focus on technology in general or on specific
(controversial) technologies. Many of these may be reactions and
developments in relation to unavoidable decisions, like whether or not to
apply a controversial, or new and potentially harmful technology.

 1.2. Democratisation of technology – practical approaches

 For the second topical area, we are looking for contributions from authors
who are suggesting that certain technologies may be conducive to a Degrowth
society (e.g. Domènech et al., 2013), if they are made widely available
such as FAB labs, DIY, Digital Fabricators and open source software. We
invite authors to use rigorous scientific analysis to support their
arguments such as case studies, discourse and content analysis informed by
social and political theory or other established approaches advanced in
science and technology studies. Contributions can take into account the
perspectives of established scholars in the Degrowth community (see 1.1.1),
provide a critical perspective on the idea of democratization of technology
or highlight and investigate the dangers and pitfalls. They can also
present empirical research on successful and unsuccessful democratization
of technology, which informs Degrowth debates. These can include analyses
of participatory governance and assessment of technologies of relevance for
Degrowth. Empirical examples can be from advanced capitalist economies,
emerging economies and the Global South.

 1.3. Evaluating technologies from a Degrowth perspective

 For the third section of the special volume we are interested in articles
that start from the premise that some practical engagement with technology
will be inevitable in a Degrowth society. Thus contributions to this
section develop or explore approaches for evaluating technologies from a
Degrowth perspective. Once again they can build on established concepts
such as Illich's convivial technology, or Schumacher's appropriate
technology, but they can also develop their own frameworks or borrow from
other literatures. Examples may be participatory approaches as those
proposed in Post Normal Science. Authors can provide case studies, share
insights from projects or experiences or build their frameworks on
consistent theoretical approaches. They can also contribute critical
analysis of the mono-dimensionality of decision-making in the context of
new technologies, focused on economic costs and benefits, while many other
dimensions remain unnoticed. We are particularly interested in
contributions, which apply well-developed evaluation frameworks to specific
technologies, able to capture Degrowth concerns.

 1.4. Further approaches towards technology and Degrowth

 In addition, we are open to other original and inspiring contributions,
which explore technology as such or particular technologies from a Degrowth
perspective. These contributions go beyond the themes suggested by us, but
should equally advance our understanding of technology in Degrowth
contexts. Contributions, which open up new horizons, provide outlooks or
develop research agendas, are particularly welcome. They can either be
short, but fully referenced think pieces (up to 4000 words) or thorough
analyses (up to 8000 words).

 2. Editorial team

 Christian Kerschner, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental
Studies, Masaryk University. *More information
<http://www.degrowth.org/christian-kerschner-2>*. Email:
*christian.kerschner at gmail.com
<christian.kerschner at gmail.com>*

 Petra Wächter: Post-Doc, University of Vienna. *More information
Email: *petra.waechter at univie.ac.at <petra.waechter at univie.ac.at>*

 Linda Nierling: research fellow at the Institute for Technology Assessment
and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
Germany. *More information
<http://www.itas.kit.edu/mitarbeiter_nierling_linda.php>*. Email:
*linda.nierling at kit.edu
<linda.nierling at kit.edu>*

 Melf-Hinrich Ehlers: Researcher at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen,
Scotland. *More information
<http://www.hutton.ac.uk/staff/melf-hinrich-ehlers>*. Email:
*melfhinrichehlers at gmail.com
<melfhinrichehlers at gmail.com>*

 3. Formats and procedures

Full papers are invited for potential publication in this Special Volume of
the JCLP. Submissions should be between 4000 and 6000 words for in-depth
case studies, 6000 and 8500 words for full scientific papers based upon
theoretical and empirical foundations, and 9000 and 13,000 words for
comprehensive, integrative reviews. Think pieces have a length of up to
4000 words. All submissions should be developed based upon the editorial
guidelines provided in the instructions for authors for the Journal of
Cleaner Production, which can be accessed from the website:

 Upon receipt of the completed documents, independent reviewers will be
invited to provide peer reviews for each document. Upon receipt and
acceptance of the author's revised documents, all will be published in this
SV of the Journal of Cleaner Production.

 Authors should take great care to show their awareness of the large amount
of related articles published within the Journal of Cleaner Production
(among them two special issues on Degrowth).

 Articles must be written in English. Authors with limitations in command
of written English are recommended to send their papers to a ‘Native
English Science Editor,’ before the first submission because poorly written
documents can compromise the decisions during the review process. The
authors should resubmit the final version of their document to ensure top
quality of English for all documents of this SV.

 4. Timeline


Submission of extended abstracts (400–500 words) to the editors: by August
31, 2015.


Notification of acceptance for paper submission: September 30, 2015.


Submission of full papers for peer review to Elsevier via the EES System:
by January 15th, 2016.


Submission of revised manuscript: late spring 2016 (individual deadlines).


Review process ending with notification of needs for minor changes: early
summer 2016 (individual deadlines).


Final manuscripts due as corrected proofs: late summer 2016 (individual


Publication date: late autumn 2016.

Note: Authors are encouraged to send their contributions as early as
possible, as we would like to present the special issue at the Degrowth
conference in Budapest in September 2016.

 In case you have a paper you would like to submit, but are unable to meet
the deadlines, please write to us. In exceptional cases we may grant
extensions and your article can always be submitted for publication in a
general volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production.


 Barcelona Declaration, 2010

Barcelona Declaration [WWW Document] (2010) URL
(accessed 21.01.14.)

 Bijker, 1995

W. Bijker

Of Bicycles, Bakelites and Bulbs: towards a Theory of Sociotechnical Change

MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1995)

 Castoriadis, 1985

C. Castoriadis

Reflections on “Rationality” and “Development”

Thesis Eleven, 10/11 (1) (1985), pp. 18–35

 D'Alisa et al., 2014

G. D'Alisa, F. Demaria, G. Kallis

Degrowth: a Vocabulary for a New Era

Routledge, New York and London (2014)

 Dickson, 1975

D. Dickson

The Politics of Alternative Technology

Universe Books, New York (1975)

 Domènech et al., 2013

L. Domènech, H. March, D. Saurí

Degrowth initiatives in the urban water sector? A social multi-criteria
evaluation of non-conventional water alternatives in Metropolitan Barcelona

J. Clean. Prod., 38 (2013), pp. 44–55

 Article | PDF (391 K) | View Record in Scopus | Citing articles (10)

Elull, 1964

J. Elull

The Technological Society

Vintage, New York (1964)

 Feenberg, 1999

A. Feenberg

Questioning Technology

Routledge, New York (1999)

 Georgescu-Roegen, 1971

N. Georgescu-Roegen

The Entropy Law and the Economic Process

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA (1971)

 Gorz, 1994

A. Gorz

Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology

Verso, London (1994)

 Illich, 1973

I. Illich

Tools for Conviviality

Harper & Row, New York (1973)

 Kallis et al., 2010

G. Kallis, F. Schneider, J. Martinez-Alier

Growth, recession or Degrowth for sustainability and equity? (Special Issue)

J. Clean. Prod., 18 (6) (2010), pp. 511–518

 Latouche, 2009

S. Latouche

Farewell to Growth

Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2009)

 Mumford, 1967

L. Mumford

The Myth of the Machine – Technics and Human Development

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego (1967)

 Schumacher, 1973

E.F. Schumacher

Small is Beautiful: a Study of Economics as if People Mattered

Blond & Briggs, London (1973)

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