[P2P-F] Syriza and the commons

P2P Foundation mailing list p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Sat Jan 24 08:16:21 CET 2015

via Vasilis Kostakis of the P2P Lab in Greece:

"In a previous article we attempted to provide a bird’s-eye view of the
political agendas of four Greek parties in relation to the
digital/knowledge Commons. We saw that Syriza —the left-wing party which,
according to the gallops, will win the elections— has one of the most
thorough and well-documented set of policies towards a Commons-oriented

Andreas Karitzis, member of Syriza’s think tank on digital policies and a
candidate MP in the ongoing elections, recently wrote an article in the
Greek version of the Huffington Post highlighting the commitment of his
party to free/open source technologies, transparency and participatory
democracy. Mr. Karitzis claims that Syriza will support the adoption of
free/open source software in the public sector and the distribution of
public data under Commons-based licenses. Moreover, it seems they recognize
not only the value of the free/open source technologies per se, but also
the collaborative productive processes that create such technologies.

Andreas Karitzis, member of Syriza's think tank on digital policies & a
candidate MP
Andreas Karitzis, member of Syriza’s think tank on digital policies & a
candidate MP

This becomes evident if one reads Mr. Karitzis’ answers to the questions
posed by EEL/LAK, an Athens-based NGO focused on the promotion of openness,
concerning Syriza’s agenda in relation to Open Governance and the Commons.
As mentioned in our recent article, he explicitly states the intention to
further develop copyfair licenses for open hardware, in the vein of the P2P
Foundation’s proposals. Moreover, the creation of networks of distributed
micro-factories (fablabs/makerspaces) is considered as another key point of
a Commons-oriented political agenda.

In addition, it is argued that Syriza has clearly defined policies for
reforming certain laws and adopting , we would say, Partner State Approach
 practices with regard to education, governance and R&D. To mention a few:
i) opening the public data; ii) opening every realm of knowledge produced
with tax-payers’ money; iii) creating a collaborative environment for
small-scale entrepreneurs and co-operatives while favoring initiatives
based on open source technologies and practices; iv) developing certain
participatory processes (and strengthening the existing ones)  for
citizen-engagement in policy-making; v) adopting open standards and
patterns for public administration and education.

It is true that from program to implementation, several steps are required,
however the first step seems to have been made: Syriza seems to not only be
aware of the advantages of free/open source technologies but also to
realize the potential and the new political economy of this emerging
proto-mode of production.

Will Syriza create the conditions for a transition towards a full-mode of
Commons-based peer production?"


Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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