[P2P-F] Fwd: Solidarity networking with Greece, and for the commons

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Jan 12 16:28:14 CET 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Orsan <orsan1234 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Solidarity networking with Greece, and for the commons



"Support to the Greek people

All the versions of this article: [English] [français

The Crisis, Resistance, and Alternatives

Europe is in a profound slump. Despite reassuring voices already predicting
an end to the crisis, living and working conditions continue to
deteriorate. Poverty and precarity are dramatically increasing across the
continent. A social Europe is not on political decision-makers’ agenda.

But social movements are not giving up. On the contrary, they are
organising and getting bigger. Not enough to present a strong opposition to
antisocial policies, but there are signs of encouragement on the horizon.

Resistance is beginning to produce results, politically as well. New
progressive forces have been born and are slowly occupying previously lost
places. New proposals might bring about democratic change in Europe.

The situation in Greece is particularly significant. Today, a party based
on progressive ideas has hopes of leading the government in the coming

In this context, Alter Summit demands :

   - that the Greek people be able to sovereignly decide their destiny
   without the interference of European institutions and national and
   international major media, and unthreatened by politicians or financial
   markets ;
   - that an elected government be able to choose policies that best
   respond to the needs of their people, especially when promising democratic

Moreover, Alter Summit will support any party or political movement in
Greece or elsewhere in Europe whose stated task is to respond to the
following issues that we have defined in our June 2013 Manifesto:

   - bringing an end to debt enslavement, meaning – among other things –
   the immediate cancellation of the memoranda imposed on over-indebted
   countries by the Troika and suspension of payment on the debt until these
   populations are protected from increasing poverty and unemployment;
   - ending austerity by refusing or annulling treaties and the settlements
   they impose and by assuring fiscal justice;
   - reversing the present tendency to eliminate rights, especially by
   restoring the freedom to negotiate and take collective action;
   - making banks and finance serve the well-being of the people.

Citizens must have the power to decide. Europe must change direction. The
entrance of new actors in the European political arena could alter the
balance of power in favour of progressive aspirations.

An international campaign in support of the Greek people is forming in
Europe. Alter Summit will be involved and participate in its capacity.
Alter Summit is coordinating labour organisations, NGO’s and social
platforms from across Europe; the diversity of today’s social movements
demands respect for the sovereign choices of the Greek people and supports
them in their struggle for greater democracy.

Through reflection, discussion and mobilisation, Alter Summit contributes
to constructing a strong social movement in Europe to ensure political
advances towards a Europe that is democratic, social, ecological and
feminist! We want an end to austerity and we demand true democracy!

Brussels, the 9th of January 2015"

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