[P2P-F] [commoning] Greek Vice-President explicitely endorses commons st

P2P Foundation mailing list p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Thu Feb 12 17:35:52 CET 2015

True. That is a great project. Let's start organizing it at the coming commonsfest in may 
Le 2015-02-12 à 10:35, Franz Nahrada a écrit :

> Great ideas, Roberto and George! I have not been aware of a concrete project towards a followup to the ECC so far ....
> "Transitioning to commons - based society" is indeed a complex question to involve many social actors.
> A conference of international format could highlight whats going on in Greece on the progressive side.
> It would bring things to a new level of practical orientation.
> A first step and rehearsal ground could be the upcoming CommonsFest in Athens  
> http://commonsfest.info/en/
> my2cents - from currently a bit outside developments.
> Franz
> George Pór <george.por at gmail.com> schreibt:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Roberto Verzola <rverzola at gn.apc.org> wrote:
> Perhaps, the next intl conference on the commons should be held in
> Greece...
> Maybe with a focus on fighting for and working with a Partner State, in collaboration with our Greek and Spanish commoner friends and commons-supporters in Syriza and Podemos...
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