[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] new text: Proposed_Strategy_for_the_Commons_Movement_in_2015

Orsan Senalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 18:08:06 CEST 2015

Commons Willi!! again, and why?

> All this systems are on the way to underdevelopment. And Michel do not understand this. He and many people behave like the "rabbit in front of the snake".
> Michel:
> "Do we have any realistic perspective at change right now?"
> Yes, always, of course. But not on this way, what Michel propose.
> "commons-centric entrepreneurial models"? "the commoners co-own and co-govern entrepreneurial forms that co-create commons"? "commons-created value"? "level of platforms that would challenge the ownership, control and value extraction models of netarchical capitalism (Uber, AirBnB, Facebook)"?
> I do not know, in what environment Michel live. Now, because Orsan open the NetworkedLabour list also for me to write, i can discuss something. Maybe, Orsan is now a little bit angry with me and stopped my writing permission.

Of course not a bit but feels like a red bull!

First of all why you sound so obsessed with Michel? Do you have a good reason for the god, or aliens' sake?  

Secondly, you tell that Michel has no power to think himself and he always talk of what others does; why then you almost always end up talking about what Michel does and says?

Please try to keep it on what you do and say, and don't undermine your stand, based on practice of p2p, as you claim? Also not destruct the space you try to struct from the beginning.. Otherwise..  Of course no  more lists or community would bear divergent elements threatening communities survival for too long.. Isn't it like this with local communities too? 


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