[P2P-F] [WSF-Discuss] The decentralization of the DNS system

Örsan Şenalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 16:25:18 CEST 2015

That would be great if we could laid down a work-learning-education
tool/space for instance towards internet un-governance conf., next ISF
and WSF 2016.

With this spirit did create a test space (on Networked Labour
University, under test space created for Global Square initiative, yet
not been activated). We could test this to see if it would help out in
rolling a collaborative work so that we could formulate and pool
concrete ideas, proposals, and undertake practices and projects, link
up with relavant groups and communities that share similar objective
of building and connecting peoples' Internet(s) bottom up.

The test space might be utilized as a collaborative open space, where
we could organise our selves by sharing and providing necessary basic
self-education materials, open access libraries, research, and form
study-circles to learn more on information and communication
technologies, networks and emancipatory complex systems in general and
related topics in collaboration:

Any one like to join and test can either open and account or register
as a guest here:

in solidarity,

> On 25 Aug 2015, at 15:02, willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at riseup.net> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I'm not sure if this formulation (bring in, bring out) is correct in english. Mikael start to use it. In the history, the telecommunication instances "bring in" the "internet" in the social environment. The people was passiv, consumer.
> We have to go the other direction. We create the Internet, how we need it. We "bring out" the Internet from our social environments. This means, we define and determine the archetectural and technical principles based on our general social principles. And in our social environment grow up our "networkedlabour", our distributed connection of our Point to Point activity.
> many greetings, willi
>> Am 25/08/2015 um 09:42 schrieb willi uebelherr:
>>> Am 25/08/2015 um 02:33 schrieb Mikael Book:
>>> Willi,
>>> in my reply to you, I stressed that the internet has to be woven into
>>> the fabric of the human societies. To this, you suggested a turnaround:
>>> not to bring the internet into the societies, but the bring the
>>> societies out of the internet.
>> Dear Mikael,
>> only this i have read. The rest never can be valuable, because the base
>> is wrong.
>> My answer: We bring out the Intenet from our social environment.
>> many greetings, willi
>> Salvador
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