[P2P-F] Fwd: ZNet Commentary: Paul Street: Deadly Drums of War and Oil

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Sep 12 09:13:24 CEST 2014

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Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 8:37 PM
Subject: ZNet Commentary: Paul Street: Deadly Drums of War and Oil
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Paul Street: Deadly Drums of War and OilZ Communications Daily Commentary

The nation and world are in dire straits as US president Barack Obama
prepares to address “the homeland” (a revealingly imperial term) tonight (I
am writing on the morning of Wednesday, September 10, 2014). As Obama
acknowledged on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” 95% of the
nation’s income gains went to the nation’s top 1%
between 2009 and 2012. The nation’s *median household income has dropped*
by more than $4000 since 2000. Between 1983 and 2010, the Economic Policy
has calculated, 74% of the gains in wealth in the U.S. went to the richest
5%, while the bottom 60% suffered a decline.

All of this and more feeds the United States’ status as by far and away the
industrialized world’s most unequal and poverty-ridden nation – a curious
designation for the self-described Land of Opportunity (LOO), home to what
Obama called in 2006
“a prosperity that’s unmatched in human history” (a “prosperity” the future
president attributed to the United States’ embrace of “private property”
and “the logic of the marketplace”). As than *16 million children – 22% of
all US children*
 *–* languish below the federal government’s inadequate poverty level, the
US top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90%
a probably comparable share of the nation’s “democratically elected”
officials). *Six Walmart heirs*
have more wealth between them than the bottom 40%. One in seven US
citizens *rely
on food banks*
(half of those people are employed, incidentally) while a small US minority
enjoys radical opulence in heavily guarded mansions and luxurious
apartments and suites at home and abroad. Former New York State Tax
Commissioner *James Wezler*
with reason, that the US is becoming “a plutocratic dystopia characterized
by wealth inequality approaching that of *ancien régime* France.”

These terrible facts reflect more than three decades of *deliberately
engineered upward wealth and income distribution:*
ruthless state-capitalist concentration of riches and power that has
brought us to a New Gilded Age of *abject oligarchy*
(more on this below) the *brink of environmental catastrophe*

Economic inequality, the first of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., called
“the triple evils that are interrelated
is alive and well. It has, in fact, thrived over the four-plus decades
since King’s assassination (or execution).

It doesn’t help that the US accounts for nearly half the world’s military
It uses vast taxpayer largesse to pay for giant cost-plus “defense”
contracts with high-tech US corporations and maintain more than 1000
military installations spread across more than 100 “sovereign” nations. The
US deploys Special Forces in 134 countries
one of many Pentagon expenditures that help keep the United States’ much
bemoaned (by the right) “welfare state” among the weakest in the
industrialized world.

One does not have to wonder long what Dr. King – a bust of whom sits in
Orwellian irony behind Kill List Obama in the Oval Office
– would think. Exactly one year before his assassination (or execution) in
Memphis, Tennessee King warned
that “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on
military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual

As the Ferguson. Missouri police shooting and popular rebellion ought to
remind us, the nation’s savage inequalities are still heavily racialized.
Racist structures and practices remain insidiously prevalent across the
far-from “color blind” and “post-racial” United States. Democratic Party
shill and civil rights charlatan Al Sharpton told mourners in Ferguson
that legitimate Black protest should be about “*how *we gonna police in the
United States.” The more fundamental question is *what* government
authorities (“we”?) police in the United States. And what they police and
enforce is, among other things, persistent harsh racial segregation
and intimately related harsh *racial inequality*
*The *median wealth of white US households is 22 times higher than the
median wealth of black US households*
*.* This stark disparity both reflects and feeds a four-decades-long *campaign
of racially disparate hyper-incarceration and criminal marking*
*.* More than *40 percent*
the nation’s *2.4 million prisoners*
Black. One in three black adult males carries the crippling lifelong stigma
(what law professor Michelle Alexander has famously termed “the New Jim
Crow”) of a felony record.

Racism was the second of Dr. King’s “triple evils that are interrelated.”
It lives on, with special cover from the existence of some “Black faces in
high places” (including the oval office) in the Age of Oprah and Obama.

Meanwhile there’s the question of whether there’ll be anything left for
police or anyone else to “serve and protect” in the not-so-distant future.
As Noam Chomsky notes
in a recent brilliant if depressing and possibly paralyzing reflection:

“The likely end of the era of civilization is foreshadowed in a new draft
report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the generally
conservative monitor of what is happening to the physical world….The report
concludes that increasing greenhouse gas emissions risk ‘severe, pervasive
and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems’ over the coming
decades. The world is nearing the temperature when loss of the vast ice
sheet over Greenland will be unstoppable. Along with melting Antarctic ice,
that could raise sea levels to inundate major cities as well as coastal
plains… The IPCC report reaffirms that the ‘vast majority’ of known fuel
reserves must be left in the ground to avert intolerable risks to future
generations. Meanwhile the major energy corporations make no secret of
their goal of exploiting these reserves and discovering new ones…A day
before its summary of the IPCC conclusions, *The New York Times* reported
that huge Midwestern grain stocks are rotting so that the products of the
North Dakota oil boom can be shipped by rail to Asia and Europe.”

Chomsky could have deepened his dark case by referencing leading left oil
and empire analyst Karl Klare’s observation
that “ U.S. oil consumption is on an upward trajectory, climbing by
barrels per day in 2013 alone — and, if current trends persist, it should rise
this year and next.” As Klare elaborates:

“….oil is back.  Big time….Despite what you may think, Americans, on
average, are driving more miles
day, not fewer, filling ever more fuel tanks with ever more gasoline, and
evidently feeling ever less bad about it.  The stigma of buying new
gas-guzzling SUVs, for instance, seems to have vanished; according to
Money, nearly one out of three vehicles sold today is an SUV.  As a result
of all this, America’s demand for oil grew
than China’s in 2013, the first time that’s happened since 1999.”

“Accompanying all this is a little noticed but crucial shift in White House
rhetoric.  While President Obama once spoke of the necessity of eliminating
our reliance on petroleum as a major source of energy, he now brags about
rising U.S. oil output and touts his efforts to further boost production.”

The once widespread expectation that the US would be moving quickly on the
path to a post-petroleum economy (one of the early promises of the Obama
candidacy of 2007-2008) have been swept for now into history’s proverbial
dustbin – with consequences that are terrible to contemplate.

If Dr. King were alive today (he’d be 85), he would certainly add Ecocide –
itself intimately related to economic inequality (capitalism, essentially)
– to his list of the “evils that are interrelated.” Smart people like
Rachel Carson and Barry Commoner were warning about the danger in his
lifetime. Half a century later the risk is shockingly imminent; it has
overtaken nuclear war as the leading threat to human survival.

Surely, then, “our” left (according to the FOX News and talk radio empire
and cohort) and “progressive” (some liberals still insist on believing
against all evidence both before
and since Obama’s first White House election) president is going to try to
rescue his frankly failed presidency
by getting real about how We the People can meaningfully confront and
overcome poverty, mass joblessness, savage economic inequality, ferocious
racial disparity, and climate change/ecocide with bold and progressive
policy and politics. Surely he is going to honor the memory of Dr. King by
calling for: a significant downward distribution of wealth and income;
measures to roll back abject plutocracy; the re-building and expansion of
the social safety net; the empowerment of worker organizing; a serious
confrontation with persistent US racism (deeply and institutionally
understood); de-incarceration; the de-militarization of local police, the
massive transference of resources from the spiritually fatal war and empire
machine to a giant Green Jobs program – a Green New Deal that will put
millions to millions to remunerative and socially useful and ecologically
(and existentially) essential work: the building of a post-fossil fuel
social energy infrastructure relying on wind, water, and solar…an epic,
Life-saving reconversion of the US political economy.

Get real.


Obama is addressing the nation tonight to make the case for the US to
intensify its commitment to the third of Dr. King’s “triple evils” –
militarism – in the Middle East. He will inveigh against the reprehensible
barbarism – including videotaped beheadings of US journalists – of the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He will proclaim “America’s”
well-intentioned devotion to civilized values: human rights, freedom, and
democracy – all those good “American” things that dastardly pre-modern
Islamists irrationally hate. He will say nothing about the United States’
brazenly petro-imperial and, well, barbarian, mass-murderous role in the
Middle East and the Muslim world. (Beginnings on this topic can start by
Googling up “Fallujah 2004,” “Abu Ghraib and torture,” “Bagram Air Force
and enhanced interrogation,” “Highway of Death,” “Madeline Albright and
500,000 Iraqi children,” “Nisour Square and Wikileaks,” “Bola Boluk 2009,”
“Jeremy Scahill and Dirty Wars” and “Nir Rosen and Death of Iraq.”) He’ll
make no reference to the United States’ long oil-driven history of backing
brutally repressive and despotic regimes in the region. He won’t mention
the beheadings that are regularly carried out by authorities in Saudi
Arabia, a key US ally that is home to the most reactionary government on
Earth. He won’t mention longstanding US support for Israel’s recurrent
murder of Palestinians in Gaza and for Israel’s regime of savage racist
apartheid and oppression (which kills and maims on a regular basis between
period episodes of IDF “lawn mowing”). He won’t talk about how US
interventions, occupations, alliances, murders and neoliberal policies in
the region have long pushed Arabs and Muslims into fundamentalism and
violence. He won’t acknowledge how US military escalation always fuels
jihadist recruitment and rage. He won’t admit the United States’ direct
role in building up ISIS in Syria, part of Washington’s campaigns against
the Assad regime and Shia Iran. He won’t mention the older role of the US
and its allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in the building up of al Qaeda, of
which ISIS is an offshoot. He won’t mention the price that millions of
disproportionately Black poor US children pay for the giant systemic
diversion of US taxpayer dollars from social uplift at home to US Empire
abroad. He won’t mention the social, public, democratic, and environmental
needs that go vastly unmet as the US transfers billions to corporate war
masters. He won’t note that the US Empire is dedicated to maintaining US
control over a global oil spigot whose output places humanity at ever more
imminent risk of self-liquidation. He won’t admit that he is banging the
drums of war so that the Washington can try to protect its control over the
filling of the deadly drums of oil.

There’s a word for all this: Evil
And there’s only one “solution” – popular organization for revolutionary
change, for what Dr. King called near the end of his life “the real issue
to be faced” beyond “superficial” matters (like the skin color or gender of
a Wall Street-backed political candidate): “the radical reconstruction of
society itself.” Awareness that this radical project – quite do-able, for
what it’s worth – is now urgently required to preserve chances for a decent
future, for survival, might light a fire in the hearts and minds of those
who are serious about saving the US, the world, and (dare I say) themselves
from spiritual as well as material death.

*Paul Street’s latest book is **They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy*

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