[P2P-F] Fwd: Institutional CrowdFunding and CrowdCollab Campaign for the 2nd International Networked Labour Seminar

Örsan Şenalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 12:01:34 CEST 2014

apologies for cross posting..

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234 at gmail.com>
Date: 13 October 2014 12:00
Subject: Institutional CrowdFunding and CrowdCollab Campaign for the
2nd International Networked Labour Seminar
To: "networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org" <networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org>

Dear NetworkLabour e-list members,

This is an appeal for an institutional crowd-funding and p2p
collaboration campaign, in order to realising the 2nd International
Networked Labour Seminar, in Amsterdam, at around May 2015. Draft
proposal for the 2nd event can be seen here:

Project will be managed based on open budget and p2p clooaboration
principles. Therefore we welcome all kinds of technical, logistical,
financial, artistic / design, physical labour, and knowledge
contribution, especially from interested local creative communites and

Design of the event, its content, form, and list of invitees will be
open to supporters and collaborators’ suggestions. Sponsors and the
registered collaborators will be able to suggest topics and
methodology for the design of the seminar. Estimated budget,
participatory tools and mechanisms will be published at
http://www.networkedlabour.net/ during the second week of October

If you are interested in collaborating please contact me directly at
networg at networg dot nl (networg at networg.nl)

In solidarity, and collaboration,

Örsan Şenalp

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