[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] Linda Herrera (formerly ISS The Hague) on Revolution in Media Age

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Sat Oct 4 21:58:27 CEST 2014

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From: peter waterman <peterwaterman1936 at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Subject: [Networkedlabour] Linda Herrera (formerly ISS The Hague) on
Revolution in Media Age
To: networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org, Debate is a listserve that attempts
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WorldSocialForum-Discuss at openspaceforum.net>, "Harcourt, W." <
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   [image: Revolution_in_the_age_of_social_media_cmyk-max_221]
Revolution in the Age of Social Media: The Egyptian Popular Insurrection
and the Internet
by Linda Herrera <http://www.versobooks.com/authors/1856-linda-herrera>
An accessible guide to the enduring struggle between people and power in
the digital age
Egypt's January 25 Revolution of 2011 was a dramatic demonstration of the
role social media has come to play in radical activism. A key moment was
the appearance of the Facebook page "We Are All Khaled Said," which linked
activists across the country. But how useful are social media in radical
politics? And how readily can they be turned against the activists?

*Revolution in the Age of Social Media* looks at the role of that seminal
Facebook page and the conspiracy theories that swirled around its
administrator, Wael Ghonim. Herrera reveals the immense power struggles
that took place in virtual arenas, showing how social media can serve not
only as a site of liberation, but also as a place where powerful
forces—such the US State Department, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the
Egyptian military—vie for control over the hearts and minds of the young.

The Egyptian uprising, while in many ways a distinctly Arab event, is also
a universal story of power and insurrection in the age of social media.

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ISBN: 9781781682753

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   - “Linda Herrera has written the best treatment of social media and
   contemporary politics that I have read. Her Revolution in the Age of Social
   Media avoids—indeed punctures—all of the clichés and inflated claims that
   tend to dominate this discussion. Herrera provides a tremendous historical
   case study of the use and importance of social media in the Egyptian
   revolution of 2011. As she lived in Egypt for years through the revolution,
   Herrera provides insights I have never seen elsewhere. She provides a
   nuanced yet clear vision. All treatments of social media and politics going
   forward will go through this book.”

   – Robert W. McChesney, author of *Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is
   Turning the Internet Against Democracy*
   - “Thus far the most readable and exacting account of the interstitial
   spaces between the street and internet in the Egyptian uprising … no stone
   is left unturned as Herrera offers an unwavering deconstruction of
   everything—from the simple messianism of Wael Ghonim to the conspiratorial
   obsession of Tariq Ramadan. I have no doubt this book will be an instant

   – Adel Iskandar, Georgetown University
   - “*Revolution in the Age of Social Media: The Egyptian Popular
   Insurrection and the Internet*, is expansive and curious.”

   – *Globe and Mail*

 Blog *Globe and Mail* hails *Revolution in the Age of Social Media* as
"smart" and "curious"
Linda Herrera's *Revolution in the Age of Social Media: The Egyptian
Popular Insurrection and the Internet
released just last week, garners high praise from the *Globe and Mail*
Simon Lewsen. In Lewsen's review, where he analyzes the positive but more
oftentimes hotly-debated relationship between social media and activism, he
calls Herrera's writing "expansive and curious" and "a smart approach" to a
complicated subject.


   1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/recovering_internationalism/>.  [A
   compilation of papers from the new millenium. Now free in two download
   formats] <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>
*EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
   Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
   3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the Global
   Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
   4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
   <http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
   5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
   Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.net/>,
   (Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
*Needed: a Global Labour Charter Movement (2005-Now!)
   7. *Under, Against, Beyond: Labour and Social Movements Confront a
   Globalised, Informatised Capitalism
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/under-against-beyond/>(2011) Almost 1,000
   pages of Working Papers, free, from the 1980 <1980>'s-90's.*
   8. *Google Scholar Citation Index:*
   <http://scholar.google.com.pe/citations?user=e0e6Qa4AAAAJ> *


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