[P2P-F] Fwd: [unSYSTEM] Fwd: [cryptopolitics] CfP: Interference

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Sat May 10 14:27:01 CEST 2014

sts.dyne.org <unsystem at lists.dyne.org>>

TL;DR: Cool-sounding conference at a former squat in Amsterdam, 15-17
August 2014. http://interference.io/

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [cryptopolitics] CfP: Interference
Date:   Tue, 15 Apr 2014 14:56:27 +0200
From:   groente <groente at puscii.nl>
To:     cryptopolitics at randombit.net

========= Call for Papers =========

Interference, n:

    1. preventing (a process or activity) from continuing or being carried
out properly.
    2. the combination of two or more electromagnetic waveforms to form a
resultant wave in which the displacement is either reinforced or cancelled.

Interference is a gathering of people, perspectives, theories, and actions
that share a critical approach to society and technology. It will take
place at the Binnenpret in Amsterdam, NL from 15th to the 17th of August
2014. It will be a space where we can meet, debate, share, learn, and find
our affinities and oppositions. The event comes as a response to the lack
of a common ground for confrontation and discussion over themes like
hacking, technology, art and politics that could break out of the existing
containers and roles for such concepts and practices.

Interference is not a hacker conference. From a threat to the so-called
national security, hacking has become an instrument for reinforcing the
status quo. Fed up with yet another recuperation, the aim is to
re/contextualize hacking as a conflictual praxis and release it from its
technofetishist boundaries. Bypassing the cultural filters, Interference
wants to take the technical expertise of the hacking scene out of its
isolation to place it within the broader perspective of the societal
structures it shapes and is part of.

Interference tries not to define itself. Interference challenges hacker's
identity, the internal dynamics of hackerculture and its ethical values. It
undermines given identities and rejects given definitions. Interference is
a hacking event from an anarchist perspective: it doesn't seek for
uniformity on the level of skills or interests, but rather focuses on a
shared basis of intuitive resistance and critical attitude towards the
techno-social apparatus.

Interference is three days of exploring modes of combining theory and
practice, breaking and (re)inventing systems and networks, and playing with
the art and politics of everyday life. Topics may or may not include
philosophy of technology, spectacle, communication guerrilla, temporary
autonomous zones, cybernetics, bureaucratic exploits, the illusions of
liberating technologies, speculative software, the creative capitalism
joke, the maker society and its enemies, hidden- & self- censorship, and
the refusal of the binarity of gender, life, and logic.

Interference welcomes discordians, intervention artists, artificial
lifeforms, digital alchemists, oppressed droids, luddite hackers and
critical engineers to diverge from the existent, dance with fire-spitting
robots, hack the urban environment, break locks, perform ternary voodoo,
decentralise and disconnect networks, explore the potential of noise, build
botnets, and party all night.

The event is intended to be as self-organised as possible which means you
are invited to contribute on your own initiative with your skills and
interests. Bring your talk, workshop, debate, performance, opinion,
installation, project, critique, the things you're interested in, the
things you want to discuss. Especially those not listed above.

Please let us know how you would like to interefere by sending a (brief)
abstract of your proposal before June 15 to interference [at] puscii.nl.

Updates and more information can be found on http://interference.io


cryptopolitics mailing list
cryptopolitics at randombit.net

unSYSTEM mailing list: http://unsystem.net

Nicolas Mendoza

PhD Researcher
School of Creative Media
City University of Hong Kong

*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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