[P2P-F] Fwd: Idea camp of ECF: re-defining and shaping public space

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Jun 26 23:57:31 CEST 2014

hi Kevin,

can you keep track of the responses, and then propose how we can help the
network ?


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 4:06 PM, ruth catlow <ruth.catlow at furtherfield.org>

> Hey Kevin,
> Thanks for the positive feedback!
> You hit the nail on the head about getting different results in different
> places. Then I have the idea that the games will become a playful way for
> people to share imaginative visions of place that are informed by the local
> experience- a way to generate diversity (an antidote to singular
> profit-driven worlds).
> It's early days yet but this Summer we are creating two new sets of games
> in two different places. We are thinking of ways to incorporate different
> kinds of place data too.
> Anyway, I think that P2PF would be an excellent partner.
> The ECF are interested in cross-sectoral collaboration - and the P2PF is
> comprised of people from so many different disciplines and traditions. I
> would certainly welcome the opportunity to be able to draw on different
> kinds of expertise and critical friendship as we develop our project within
> the P2P ethos.
> Ruth
> On 26/06/2014 21:08, Kevin Flanagan wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I took a quick look. It's a nice project. Ruth I really like what you
>> are doing. I think games are a great tool for re-imagining how we relate
>> and co-create in our communites. They are also transferable. You can use
>> the same games and get different results in different places.
>> P2PF could apply but this project requires a local community element.
>> Maybe we can partner and support existing projects.
>> Kevin
>> Michel Bauwens:
>>> thanks Juan,
>>> anyone interested in working with the p2p-f on this ?
>>> kevin, can you check this and brief us on the conditions .. the deadline
>>> is
>>> tight,
>>> Michel
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Juan Freire <juan.freire at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:39 AM
>>> Subject: Idea camp of ECF: re-defining and shaping public space
>>> To: Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras <antonio.rodriguezdelasheras@
>>> gmail.com>,
>>> Antonio Lafuente <alaf999 at gmail.com>, Félix Lozano <felix at teamlabs.es>,
>>> Marcos Garcí­a <marcos at medialab-prado.es>, José Luis de Vicente <
>>> jldevicente at gmail.com>, Fabio Gándara <gandara.pumar at gmail.com>,
>>> Bernardo
>>> Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil at gmail.com>, Michel Bauwens <
>>> michel at p2pfoundation.net>, George Yudice <gyudice at miami.edu>, Alberto
>>> Corsín <alberto.corsin-jimenez at cchs.csic.es>, Beatriz Rivela <
>>> beatrizrivela at gmail.com>
>>> [Estimados amigos, siento el texto en inglés pero estoy utilizando un
>>> modelo que hemos preparado para distribuir a nivel internacional. Creo
>>> que
>>> podéis estar interesados y a la vez sois personas clave para difundir
>>> este
>>> proyecto. Un abrazo a todos]
>>> Dear all,
>>> I wanted to let you know that the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) has
>>> just launched an open call as part of our current strategic focus
>>> "Connecting Culture, Communities and Democracy”.
>>> I thought you, your colleagues or your network may be interested by this
>>> call for innovative ideas for cross-sectorial collaboration that engages
>>> Europeans in re-defining and shaping “public space”. 50 selected ideas
>>> will
>>> be presented at an Idea Camp in 23-25 October in Marseille, following
>>> that
>>> event, 25 will be selected to receive R&D grants up to €10K. The deadline
>>> to submit applications is 15 July.
>>> The call is open to individuals, collectives or organisations working in
>>> the arts and cultural sector as well as in other fields and sectors of
>>> society including academic & educational, environmental, trade &
>>> industry,
>>> health & social care, human rights etc. Applicants can represent the
>>> private, public or social sector, and they should be based or active in
>>> wider Europe.
>>> For further details and to apply, please read the call:
>>> http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/idea-camp/
>>> Do share the call within your networks and friends.
>>> In order to raise awareness about the open call and gather views on the
>>> theme of public space, we have launched an online campaign. Anyone can
>>> participate through their usual online channels, simply by tagging their
>>> contributions as #PublicSpaceis. Check
>>> http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/public-space-is for further
>>> information.
>>> Thanking you in advance.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Juan

*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*

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