[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] Fwd: [BISA-IPEG] 'Transnational Elites in Hybrid Networks' call for expression of interest

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Sat Jun 7 23:15:18 CEST 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234 at hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:51 AM
Subject: [Networkedlabour] Fwd: [BISA-IPEG] 'Transnational Elites in Hybrid
Networks' call for expression of interest
To: networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org

Very interesting and relevant workshop, focusing on the enemylines:

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Phoebe Moore <p.moore at MDX.AC.UK>
*Date:* 5 Jun 2014 11:22:46 GMT+2
*Subject:* *[BISA-IPEG] 'Transnational Elites in Hybrid Networks' call for
expression of interest*
*Reply-To:* Phoebe Moore <p.moore at MDX.AC.UK>

Call for Expressions of Interest - 'Transnational Elites in Hybrid
Networks', September 11-12 2014, Copenhagen Business School

Organised by Bastiaan van Apeldoorn (VU University Amsterdam) and Leonard
Seabrooke (Copenhagen Business School)

This workshop examines various methods for tracing policy and economic
elites who operate within and across transnational governance networks
across a range of issue areas. The hybrid character of these networks is
not only characterised by a mix of firm, transgovernmental, and NGO
interests, but also by the capacity of particular actors to move across
these networks as brokers and gatekeepers. The workshop will focus on
Social Network Analysis and Sequence Analysis as two key methods in the
study of elites. Other methods may also be brought into the discussion, as
it is often the combination of different methods that allows us to better
grasp the constitution of these networks as well as how they affect
(policy) outcomes. In the spirit of methodological pluralism, and from
within and across different (meta-)theoretical traditions and disciplinary
approaches, this workshop seeks to achieve an open exchange of ideas
regarding related methodological issues in the analysis of elite networks.
Organised around the format of short research memos that will outline how
the workshop participants have applied these methods to their own cases, we
will discuss the pros and cons and difficulties that may arise in studying
elite networks. Such issues include, among others, how to measure
centrality in networks, correct coding for sequences, practical issues with
software, etc. Those intending to use these methods may also be interested
in the workshop. The aim of the workshop is, above all, to learn from each
other's experiences, get fresh ideas about how other methods may complement
our own, and generally improve our understanding of how elite power works.

The workshop is restricted to 14 participants. Those attending are expected
to cover their own travel costs. Otherwise the workshop is supported by the
new 'HYNET: Hybrid Networks in Transnational Governance' grant in the
Department of Business and Politics at the Copenhagen Business School,
directed by Len Seabrooke.

Those who are interesting in attending should write to Len Seabrooke (
ls.dbp at cbs.dk) and Bastiaan van Apeldoorn (e.b.van.apeldoorn at vu.nl)


Professor Leonard Seabrooke
Department of Business and Politics
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 24, 0.68
Frederiksberg 2000
E: ls.dbp at cbs.dk
M: +45 2868 0334
Skype: lenseabrooke

Senior Editor, International Studies Quarterly
Principal Investigator, PIPES Project, European Research Council
Principal Investigator, GR:EEN, WP1

NetworkedLabour mailing list
NetworkedLabour at lists.contrast.org

*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*

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