[P2P-F] an evaluation of the flok (willi uebelherr)

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 01:28:27 CEST 2014

Greetings to the bat detector van, Bogota, Bolonbia:  "Austrian
economics" goes back only to Menger and Bohm-Bawerk in the late 19th
century. I'm pretty sure there have been advocates of "narkets" before
then -- among them socialists like Thomas Hodgskin and Benjamin
Tucker. And no less a socialist than Marx explained that "markets" as
such (i.e. simple commodity production) do not equate to "capitalism."

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:55 PM, willi uebelherr
<willi.uebelherr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Michel,
> independent wheather you read my mails or not, i will answer.
> Yes, i say, you act as a prophet of narkets and therefore as a "austrian
> economist". This i read in your PPL-proposal.
> No, never i say, you are a CIA agent. This always is very unfamiliar for me.
> For our perspektives and visions we need an open discussion with a free
> argumentations. If you are angry with ny criticism of your market
> orientation, i can accept. But never i accept, that you put away any
> fundamental and critical discussion of your texts.
> many greetings to all, willi
> now Bogota, Bolonbia
> Am 7/11/2014 12:10 AM, schrieb Michel Bauwens:
>> dear willi,
>> you accused me of being a cia agent, an austrian economist and other false
>> and other undocumented things, which xabier took pains to reprint recently;
>> even though you now refrain from it. I see many such routine false
>> accusations, such as lately with allianza solidaria
>> so, I apologize, but I don't want to engage with you; I don't see your
>> culture as much different as that of the flok mgt, i.e. part of the problem
>> , not part of the solution
>> if others want to engage with you, and you refrain from unwarranted
>> accusations here, that is fine; but I am not playing, just so you know, so
>> don't expect me too (your emails are filtered, I don't see most of them)
>> Michel
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Kevin Carson
Senior Fellow, Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory
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