[P2P-F] Community Land Trust lawyer for ecuador
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Feb 4 21:40:03 CET 2014
thanks Tib
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Tiberius Brastaviceanu <
tiberius.brastaviceanu at gmail.com> wrote:
> You have more info about the project here
> http://www.sensorica.co/home/working-space/labonline-network/montreal-labonline/project-vie
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Tiberius Brastaviceanu <
> tiberius.brastaviceanu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michel,
>> For the status on the open innovation hub in Montreal I'll paste message
>> that I sent to the community involved in building it.
>> Also note that this Friday we have a meetup for funding the Open World.
>> http://www.meetup.com/SENSORICA-Fridays/events/164177012/
>> -------------------------------
>> Hello everyone,
>> First, I would like to thank the groups who submitted the form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gfxRRIMwo1Mwt_wxcEzucRSzRov09A5W6AMct-gx8d8/viewform> for
>> project description. Francois and I compiled some of the results here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArYM2AwylYmVdHZVNjYyMXFjSVd5U2t1TFlXU2x5dVE&usp=drive_web#gid=5>
>> .
>> Monday (Jan 03, 2014) morning Francois<http://www.sensorica.co/home/about-us/francois-bergeron>
>> , Yasir <http://www.sensorica.co/home/about-us/yasir-siddiqui>, and
>> myself <http://www.sensorica.co/home/about-us/tiberius-brastaviceanu> had
>> a meeting with Genevieve (business development) and Jean Francois
>> (director) from CDEC Rosemont <http://www.cdec-rpp.ca/en/default.aspx> to
>> discuss about space and funding. Francois' analysis lead to something near
>> 15K sq.feet of space and 1M$ to cover only the equipment and the rent for
>> one year for all the groups in the open cluster.
>> 1M$ may seem a lot, but in fact this is a very conservative and even a
>> timid estimate. This similar Australian project<http://catalyst-project.com.au/macquarie-house/> got
>> 3M$ to start, which is still a small amount compared to other places like
>> Barcelona and Berlin. In fact, every major city in the world either has a
>> place like that or badly wants one.
>> I would like us to understand that what we propose is cutting edge and
>> doesn't even exist yet. SENSORICA and its OVN model<http://valuenetwork.referata.com/wiki/Main_Page> is
>> already recognized by those who designed and built the fab labs of the
>> world as being the next thing. I want Quebec/Montreal to realize that we
>> don't need to do catch up. Investing in our project actually means
>> maintaining the lead.
>> During the past few weeks we discussed with different organizations like
>> Innovitech, Genome Canada, National Bank, and others, about SENSORICA, the OVN
>> model <http://valuenetwork.referata.com/wiki/Main_Page> and our VIE
>> project. Open innovation is hot and "open source" is now up in the air in a
>> few consortia we interacted with. Platforms for collaboration and
>> co-creation are needed. A value accounting system<http://valuenetwork.referata.com/wiki/Value_accounting_system> and
>> metrics to evaluate network/business ecosystem performance are the new holy
>> grail. In short, our project and especially the open cluster shows a lot of
>> potential. This is the reason why we invited everyone this Friday to
>> discuss the funding strategy<http://www.meetup.com/SENSORICA-Fridays/events/164177012/>.
>> The CDEC Rosemont allocates almost a full time job to the VIE project.
>> They were in charge of negotiations for the building on Park ave.<https://maps.google.ca/?ll=45.526795,-73.610855&spn=0.004953,0.009645&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=45.526914,-73.612806&panoid=7oPU68v_hztch00_LDDGZw&cbp=12,161.57,,0,-11.18>
>> (see pics <https://picasaweb.google.com/113604040352055118647/NewSpace>)
>> which turned out to be too expensive. They visited the other location with
>> us (see announcement<https://sites.google.com/site/sensoricahome/home/working-space/labonline-network/montreal-labonline/project-vie?place=topic%2Fproject-vie%2Fd5Zvrz_5vSY%2Fdiscussion>)
>> and they continue searching. In parallel to our efforts (the open cluster)
>> the CDEC is also organizing a network of small companies that have a
>> culture of sharing and collaboration to compose the other side of VIE. But
>> the CDEC Rosemont falls short of putting skin in the game. No funding has
>> been promised yet, not even a few thousands to rent another room at CTS,
>> and they continue to be very elusive when it comes to other sources of
>> funding that were mentioned at the beginning of the project.
>> I see in CDEC Rosemont a great partner. After spending time with
>> Genevieve and Jean Francois, I believe that they share the same desire. In
>> my opinion, the CDEC Rosemont would love to see the open cluster
>> (SENSORICA, other OVNs or open and informal groups) succeed, because this
>> would be a great victory for them too. But they perceive the OVN model a
>> bit too risky and they still don't know how to deal with it. After their
>> problems with the CTS they can't afford VIE to fail and they can't really
>> cheer wholeheartedly for the open cluster.
>> Let's face it, SENSORICA and its OVN model are new, unconventional, very
>> poorly understood, not fully tested, with no metrics for evaluation and
>> projections, no clear governance yet, a special legal structure... Yes,
>> some academics like Mai and Soumaya support us, but that's not enough to
>> expect Jean Francois Lalonde to take our cause and run the streets with it.
>> The CDEC's reservations are well-understood and well-justified, in my
>> opinion. They can't take this risk yet. So how can we help them?
>> One way to help them is to bring some funding on our own from entities
>> like Genome Canada <http://www.genomecanada.ca/en/>, National Bank<http://www.nbc.ca/bnc/cda/index/0,4229,divId-2_langId-1_navCode-1000,00.html>,
>> CRIAQ <http://www.criaq.aero/>, MedTech <http://www.medtech.org/>, Loto
>> Quebec <http://lotoquebec.com/ingenio/en/home#home>, etc. This would
>> give the CDEC someone else to cheer with, because cheering alone is not
>> fun. Some crowdfunding would also help, because in this case our project
>> would be backed by the population, which is in fact the ultimate vote of
>> confidence, because the CDEC's money comes from the same source.
>> Until we bring a few parties to the CDEC to cheer with the CDEC will
>> remain elusive on funding and will stay focused on "plan B", which is to
>> boost the other side of VIE, i.e. the rent paying and equipment use paying
>> cluster of small companies, which will at least guarantee the rent, will at
>> least make the place survive. Moreover, the CDEC will want to control the
>> governance of VIE, in case the open cluster doesn't perform economically
>> they can squeeze more of these small companies in to pay the bills. Again,
>> in my opinion, the CDEC wants the open cluster to succeed, because that
>> would be a hell of a good story for them too, but they can't afford VIE to
>> close its doors 2 years later because we can't pay the rent.
>> My position has always been that we should find enough money for at least
>> one year of rent for everyone in the open cluster, and for all the
>> equipment needed to start. In fact, the use of space and equipment would
>> not be free. Those in the open cluster would pay in equity, which means
>> that if their projects reach the market they will redirect a % of revenue
>> to the infrastructure. This % would be calculated using the value
>> accounting system. Classical companies would pay cash for use.
>> My friends, the ball is still in our court. The hardest thing is to
>> find the first buyer.
>> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>wrote:
>>> dear all,
>>> pursuant to my stated plan in fb to develop a p2p-based community in
>>> vilcapamba in cooperation with Norie huddle (and richard wheeler) of the
>>> vilcapamba garden of paradise
>>> Norie, perhaps you can send a summary of your ideas for the four lots ?
>>> I am thinking that the best legal structure, would be a communitly land
>>> trust, coupled with a few action coops and linked to a 'infrastructural
>>> commons' a la dmytri kleiner
>>> we're going to need legal help for his, carolina/josef, do you know
>>> anyone in ecuador?
>>> vasilis/george, obviously we're thinking of cooperation agreements with
>>> the p2p labs in greece,
>>> Tib: what is the status of your eco-lab in montreal ?
>>> Michel
>>> <<dear friends, you will hear more from this ... I am returning from
>>> the Garden of Paradise, near Vilcabamba, the valley of long life in Loja
>>> province, Ecaudor ... I have seen the future of the physicalisation of the
>>> peer foundation, at least one form of it. I met Norie Hurdle and her
>>> partner Richard Wheeler. The place is magic and full of potential. So, I
>>> have been thinking about the creation of a p2p eco-lab to test open
>>> sustainable technologies, to do seminars, retreats, publishing and
>>> multimedia activities. It will probably start with me going there for three
>>> months in the spring each year.
>>> --
>>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net -
>>> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>> <http://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation>Updates:
>>> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>> #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
>> --
>> t!b! <http://www.google.com/profiles/tiberius.brastaviceanu>
>> co-founder of SENSORICA <http://www.sensorica.co>,
>> an open, decentralized and self-organizing
>> value network (an open enterprise)
>> founder of Multitude Project<https://sites.google.com/site/multitude2008/>
>> Google Profile <https://plus.google.com/117593809719446924575/about>
>> Facebook Tiberius Brastaviceanu<http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000279944184>
>> Twitter @TiberiusB <http://twitter.com/TiberiusB>
> --
> t!b! <http://www.google.com/profiles/tiberius.brastaviceanu>
> co-founder of SENSORICA <http://www.sensorica.co>,
> an open, decentralized and self-organizing
> value network (an open enterprise)
> founder of Multitude Project<https://sites.google.com/site/multitude2008/>
> Google Profile <https://plus.google.com/117593809719446924575/about>
> Facebook Tiberius Brastaviceanu<http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000279944184>
> Twitter @TiberiusB <http://twitter.com/TiberiusB>
P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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