[P2P-F] Fwd: Seeds of Truth: Vandana Shiva and the New Yorker

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Dec 15 06:17:18 CET 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Latham <jrlatham at bioscienceresource.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:47 AM
Subject: Seeds of Truth: Vandana Shiva and the New Yorker
To: bsr-PROJECT-ELIST1 at gn.apc.org

Dear All

Published today (Dec 15th) on *Independent Science News*:
*Seeds of Truth: Vandana Shiva and the New Yorker*
by Dr Vandana Shiva


*Synopsis:* Earlier this year *The New Yorker* published an article by
Michael Specter titled "Seeds of Doubt". We are reprinting the reply of Dr
Vandana Shiva who was the centrepiece of that article. As well as detailing
its "fraudulent assertions and deliberate attempts to skew reality", Dr
Shiva calls important attention to the ongoing efforts of Monsanto and the
biotechnology industry to manipulate reporting of GMO issues in the
media-including the publishers of *The New Yorker*. She also gives her
assessment of the still misunderstood Indian experience with GMO Bt cotton
that was the background to *The New Yorker* article.

yours sincerely

Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA


jrlatham at bioscienceresource.org
Skype: jonathanlatham2
Tel: 1-607-319-0279

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