[P2P-F] The role of foundations in mass collaboration

Karl Robillard krobillard at san.rr.com
Sat Aug 23 21:11:36 CEST 2014

Jim Zemlin talks about the importance of foundations in facilitating 
collaborative development during his 2014 State of Linux talk.


His main points:

  * A neutral home for collection and sharing of resources.
  * Enable structured investment.
  * Helping industry understand how to engage with the community.
  * Shared legal defense.
  * Shared development infrastructure.
  * A neutral home for key developers.
  * Addressing market failures.
  * Raising awareness (marketing) to bring in more developers and users.
  * Organize events for face to face meetings and training.
  * Provide training and certification to help grow the community.

In summary: Provide support to developers.


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