[P2P-F] P2P Foundation List Moderation Notice

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Aug 22 08:12:05 CEST 2014

one more time,

in a collegiate decision, it was decided not to actively campaign against
the abuses of the flok mgt, and I abide by that collective decision,

there was no secrecy, the decision, the evaluation, the core members of the
p2p foundation, all this info is publicly available and Gordon knows this
well and has been informed of it countless times,

the real issue is that Gordon is on a warpath and does not accept that we
can not follow him in this,

if I were facing the existential issues of Gordon, I would not spend my
time on this either, apart from the political differences in judgment on
how to use one's limited energy and time; there is so much positive that
Gordon could continue to do, given his stellar record on describing the
emergence of progressive technological infrastructures and the social
movements and individuals that suppport it, that the continued and
obsessive focus on a few rotten apples is a waste of valuable energy.

I am equally disappointed in Gordon, that, instead of focusing on the
abuses and the abusers, he is focusing his anger on the only person that
publicly challenged it, and that spent an inordinate amount of time
defending Gordon, despite his multiple exagerations ...

this is for the public record, one more time, as indicated, we decided not
to enter further into this particular controversy,


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Gordon Cook <cook at cookreport.com> wrote:

> And i am afraid that i am still resentful of Michels attitude about the
> core members who were being attacked and his decision to fall silent to the
> attackers to ensure that they would leave his "core' members alone.,  A
> situation made worse by his repost to a FALSE secrecy whereby the core
> members could not be identified absent a pledge not to reveal their
> identity.  When all the time for the true insiders who knew where to look,
> as Orsan pointed out the core members had their own entry in the wiki all
> along.  michel playing games with me simply neglected to point this out.
> And trifled with me yet again.  The first trifling was not being honest
> with me when those in control in Ecuador DV BG et all were trashing my work
> behind my back while michel rather than informing of this encouraged me to
> finish and waste  yet more time which i did because ….. foolish me…. i
> still trusted Michel.
> I was getting the p2p blog just fine until this blew open.  Kevin
> suggested feedly as an RSS mechanism and if i remember correctly feedly
> requires Facebook.  Sorry i despise Facebook and won't use it.  You are
> damn right folks there is a governance problem here.  And for me the key
> issue is that i find michel no longer trustworthy.  being told that the
> identity of core members is a secret when it in fact is NOT is not
> conducive to trust.  Being promise a full report on what happened in
> ecuador only to renig on that promise when BG goes wild is not conducive to
> trust.
> I once had a great deal of hope for and respect of Michels work.  I have
> that no longer. why should i given his behavior this summer?
> If this counts as an unacceptable attack on Michel, then you better remove
> me.  You people are moving out from the sidelines into the tough political
> arena where things are gong to get nastier and from you what we have then
> here is a display worthy of school kids.
> You are going to play with CIC in Spain like you played in ecuador.  But
> the playing field is occupied by individuals that appear to hate each
> other.  How is THAT going to work to build trust?  And you see that absent
> Michels carrying out his solemn promise on which he has reneged there is no
> way for a sympathetic outsider to make a judgement.
> On Aug 21, 2014, at 9:21 PM, Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear Willi,
> >
> > I do not make decisions to unsubscribe people from the list
> > unilaterally. Many people have complained both publicly and privately
> > about your behaviour. Personal attacks are not acceptable.
> >
> > In the case of this mailing list. Where an individual is not willing to
> > abide by the culture and norms of the list then s/he are welcome to
> > unsubscribe and move on.
> >
> > I am offering you here a opportunity to resolve this conflict.
> > Here are the terms. It's really quite simple.
> >
> > If in the next 24 hours from the time of this email you are willing to
> > reconsider your behavior on this list, apologize for that behavior
> > publicly on list and will refrain from further personal attacks in
> > future. Then you are welcome to stay.
> >
> > If these terms are not acceptable then I offer you 24hrs from the time
> > of this email to unsubscribe. If you have not unsubscribed in that time
> > I will exercise my responsibilities as list moderator and will do it for
> > you.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Kevin Flanagan
> > P2P Foundation Mailing List Moderator
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > P2P Foundation - Mailing list
> > http://www.p2pfoundation.net
> > https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation
> >
> Gordon Cook, 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618
> cook at cookreport.com, 1 - (609) 882-2572 - phone

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