[P2P-F] Fwd: Urgent: New York Times Censoring Venezuela Supporters - 3 Things You Can Do

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Apr 8 18:20:18 CEST 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alliance for Global Justice <afgj at afgj.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 11:13 AM
Subject: Urgent: New York Times Censoring Venezuela Supporters - 3 Things
You Can Do
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

             [image: Alliance for Global

*New York Times Censoring Venezuela Supporters - 3 Things You Can Do

The First Thing You Can Do!

The New York Times cracked open a window for a change and let a little
truth into their pages when they published an editorial by Venezuelan
President Nicolas Maduro, titled *Venezuela: A Call for
However, since then they have refused to print *any *favorable letters in
solidarity with the country's elected government.  Rather, they have been
printing attacks by such writers as House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed
Royce, Senator Marco Rubio and Julio Borges of the US funded opposition
group Primero Justicia.

We need to flood the New York Times, both to get our letters published and,
if that fails, to illustrate their bias.  The Alliance for Global Justice
is also asking that people send copies of their comments and letters
to *james at afgj.org
<james at afgj.org>* .  If you need some ideas, you can refer to this handy
list of *Quick Points Regarding the Protests in

Click here to submit a letter to the New York

You can also click here to compose and send your own letter automatically
from our alert system.  Your email will go both to the New York Times and
to the Alliance for Global

 The Second Thing You Can Do!

While the New York Times and other mouthpieces of the US/Corporate Empire
spread lies and disinformation about the Bolivarian Revolution, the White
House and Congress are considering new ways to undermine Venezuela's
elected government.  These include the possibility of enacting sanctions.
Please click the link below and tell Pres. Obama and Congress:  Hands Off
*Sign and Share this Petition in Solidarity with the Venezuelan
People!  *<http://org2.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=vGtdeJTTreOF0Ayqohc7lzx7b1HQfAXg>

 The Third Thing You Can Do!

Please let others know.  Forward this alert and help us circulate the
petition.  At the upper right hand corner of the *Venezuela Solidarity
have the opportunity to share via Facebook, Twitter and Google +.
can click here to download and copy the petition to circulate at
progressive meetings, demonstrations, labor halls, church groups,
school--wherever there are people!

      *This alert was issued by the Alliance for Global Justice*

Like the work AFGJ is doing? *Please support us
are subscribed to Alliance for Global Justice's email list. Click here to
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[image: empowered by Salsa] <http://www.salsalabs.com/?email>

*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*

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