[P2P-F] Fwd: UNRISD SSE Update: Cooperatives and Sustainable Development, Community Development Banks in Brazil and the global SSE LinkedIn Group

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Sep 24 17:12:29 CEST 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UNRISD Social and Solidarity Economy <sse at unrisd.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:04 AM
Subject: UNRISD SSE Update: Cooperatives and Sustainable Development,
Community Development Banks in Brazil and the global SSE LinkedIn Group

*Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear friends and colleagues,

The Social and Solidarity Economy is gaining visibility in national policy
circles as well as within the United Nations system. UNRISD continues to
stimulate an open-minded yet critical dialogue that facilitates an
interesting debate on trends within SSE. We are also participating in SSE
events worldwide, including the upcoming 5th RIPESS International Meeting
of SSE <http://ripess.org/manila2013> that will take place during
15-18October in Manila, the Philippines. An update from us:

We are launching an initiative on the contribution of cooperatives to
sustainable development, in collaboration with the ILO Cooperatives Unit
and the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). As part of this
initiative a background study is being drafted to be presented in policy
roundtables, conferences and seminars in 2013-14. The study will be
informed by a survey and in-depth interviews with representatives of the
cooperative movement from around the world. If you are affiliated with a
cooperative, we ask you to take a moment to fill the *survey*. By providing
your inputs you will contribute to communicating the critical role
cooperatives play in achieving sustainable development goals. The deadline
for the survey is *October 15, 2013*. Please feel free to disseminate this
message among your networks. *Please click on the links to take the survey
in **English* <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ilo-coop-english>*,
*, or **Spanish* <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ilo-coop-spanish>*. *

Our latest publications include think pieces by Meyer and Leal on Community
Development Banks<http://www.unrisd.org/unrisd/website/newsview.nsf/(httpNews)/492A681B2A2F6D9CC1257BE900409F00?OpenDocument>in
by Richards and Ruddick on Complementary
Kenya. and by Larraitz Altuna-Gabilondo on the Mondragon
in Spain.

Our SSE conference event brief is now available in
French <http://www.unrisd.org/eb1-french>and Spanish

The new Social and Solidarity Economy LinkedIn
stimulating dialogue and networking between practitioners, researchers
and policy makers around the world. We invite you to join the group today.
As a member you can exchange ideas about SSE, inform others of your work
and get connected to colleagues from all over the world. You are welcome to
post comments in your preferred language, and becoming a member is free of
charge. Please share the webpage with your networks:

Kind regards,


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