[P2P-F] A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Mar 18 08:33:42 CET 2013

do have a look perhaps at
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:P2P_Infrastrructure and
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Ecology for raw material on the topic,

updates are always very welcome,


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:07 AM, Brent Shambaugh
<brent.shambaugh at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear All,
> I've realized many things. Perhaps the most important is that a lot of the
> ideas that I discovered had already been considered by others. Thus, I find
> it difficult to say I'm incredibly unique. Moreover, I do not know
> everything and my knowledge of computing and its limits and possibly
> platforms such as these are likely dwarfed by many on this list. However,
> experience tells me that sitting passively on the side lines has never
> accomplished anything. Thus, if I have the means I will strongly consider
> going to the
> 7th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies
> Special Theme - Complex Environment Engineering
> IEEE DEST 2013
> on
> 24-26 July 2013
> in
> Menlo Park, California, USA
> Website:
>                      http://www.dest2013.digital-ecology.org/
> Moreover, I will attempt to contextualize at least some of what I have
> learned about and place it in a paper and submit it to said conference. If
> it is rejected I will know that I was rejected. If it is accepted I may
> learn a lot from the feedback. I may make new friends, and in the extreme
> case be invited to join a team. Whatever happens, I will not know unless I
> try.
> Thank you Milton for pointing out this conference. If anyone would like to
> collaborate with me on this paper, please let me know. If not, I hope you
> go. Maybe we'll meet there. It looks like there will be a month to submit
> (Paper Submission: April 15,  2013).
> Again, it is a blessing to know that so many scientists and engineers are
> looking at this area. Maybe looking into this was worthwhile. In any case,
> thanks for being here. Thank you to the W3C and the P2P Foundation for
> providing a community of interaction. I look to learning more from you in
> the future.
> -Brent
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Milton Ponson wrote:
>> Thus we are able to create economic models that incorporate security,
>> resilience, reliability and sustainability.
>> As we speak thousands and thousands of engineers and scientists are
>> already tackling the fundamental task of coming up with new
>> all-encompassing paradigms and the 7th IEEE International Conference on
>> Digital Ecosystems and Technologies will deal with quite a few of these
>> issues.
>> =============
>> Let me rephrase in these terms ...
>> If work starts at Noon, the next Noon is about 23h56m (Sidereal Time)
>> away.  The probability of you being paid to start work 4 minutes early is
>> Zero*.
>> "all-encompassing paradigm":The mechanics of time and labor for hire are
>> the Perfect Storm of truncation errors.
>> --Gannon
>> * Before somebody else says it:  The probability of an unnoticed 4 minute
>> per day systemic failure is (Political Science + Economics)/2.
>>   ------------------------------
>> *From:* Gannon Dick <gannon_dick at yahoo.com>
>> *To:* Brent Shambaugh <brent.shambaugh at gmail.com>; Michel Bauwens <
>> michel at p2pfoundation.net>; "public-egov-ig at w3.org" <public-egov-ig at w3.org>
>> *Cc:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals at yahoo.com>; Samuel
>> Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>; "public-lod at w3.org" <public-lod at w3.org>;
>> Paul Cockshott <william.cockshott at glasgow.ac.uk>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, March 16, 2013 10:02 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data
>> Hi Brent,
>> Cheer up, everybody's closet has Monsters.  At least you have your closet
>> and not mine :-)
>> The dark side to a distributed economy is that models which stretch time
>> along latitude lines for navigation purposes also "predict" Global Warming
>> at the Equator.  This is a whole different problem than *observing real*
>> Global Warming in the Arctic.  The motivation of the Overseer to keep the
>> Field Hands at work (just a little) longer (than the Plantation down the
>> road) is age old.
>> However, if you know the "stretch" you can compute this "Global Economic
>> Warming" artifact.
>> Tie a rubber band to the equator and tie the other end to the Arctic
>> Circle on the other side of the Pole.
>> Stretch over the Pole
>> Apparent time 90.833 Degrees
>> Civil Time 96 Degrees
>> Nautical Time 102 Degrees
>> Astronomical Time 108 Degrees
>> The difference in apparent duration of sunlight (%) integrated over a
>> year is:
>> Canberra 99.32%
>> Santiago de Chile 99.71%
>> Jakarta 104.6%
>> Singapore 105.4%
>> Kiev (Kyiv) 95.22%
>> London 94.84%
>> Washington 98.49%
>> This is the apparent "cheap labor" business has been chasing.  Scientists
>> (should not) want any part of this made up nonsense.  Linked data is
>> vulnerable to the deception ... unless you understand the game.
>> --Gannon
>>   ------------------------------
>> *From:* Brent Shambaugh <brent.shambaugh at gmail.com>
>> *To:* Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>
>> *Cc:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals at yahoo.com>; Samuel
>> Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>; "public-lod at w3.org" <public-lod at w3.org>;
>> Paul Cockshott <william.cockshott at glasgow.ac.uk>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, March 16, 2013 1:17 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Sometimes I get upset and afraid. I know I am missing a lot, and it is
>> difficult for me to comprehend what is going on in the world. I'm happy
>> that everyone is here.
>> -Brent
>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Brent Shambaugh <
>> brent.shambaugh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In an attempt to understand the conversation we had, I was sent in a
>> flurry of confusion. I started checking out books, and one was Resilience
>> by Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy. I found a few quotes that seem
>> exciting to me:
>> "Adhocracies thrive on data. And by the stroke of fantastic luck, we're
>> currently witnessing the global birth of an adhocracy of data -- a global
>> revolution that, for the first time, empowers orgranizations with the
>> capacity to collect and correlate widely distributed real-time information
>> about the way many critical systems are performing. This kind of open data
>> will play a central role in resilience strategies for years to come." pg.
>> 266, Resilience, Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy
>> "And for organizations of all types there is a powerful lesson here:
>> Resilience benefits accrue to organizations that prioritize the collection,
>> presentation, and sharing of data." pg. 269, Resilience, Andrew Zolli and
>> Ann Marie Healy
>> "A related theme in the resilience discussion is the importance of
>> networks, which provide a universal, abstract reference system for
>> describing how information, resources, and behaviours flow through many
>> complex systems. Having a common means to describe biological, economic,
>> and ecological systems, for example, allows researchers to make comparisons
>> between the ways these very different kinds of entities approach similar
>> problems, such as stopping a contagion - whether an actual virus, a
>> financial panic, an unwanted behavior, or an environmental contaminant -
>> when it begins to spread. Having a shared frame of reference allows us to
>> consider how successful tactics in one domain might be applied to another -
>> as we'll see in newly emerging fields like ecological finance." pg 19,
>> Resilience, Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy
>> "Rather the resilience frame suggests a different, complementary effort
>> to mitigation: to redesign our institutions, embolden our communities,
>> encourage innovation and experimentation, and support our people in ways
>> that will help them be prepared and cope with surprises and distruptions,
>> even as we work to fend them off." pg 23, Resilience, Andrew Zolli and Ann
>> Marie Healy
>> It is interesting that Buckminster Fuller wrote about similar ideas over
>> 30 years ago:
>> "The inefficiency of automobiles' reciprocating engines - and their
>> traffic-system-wasted fuel - and the energy inefficiency of today's
>> buildings, are only two of hundreds of thousands of instances that can be
>> cited of the design-avoidable energy wastage. But the technical raison
>> d'etre for either the energy-effectiveness gains or losses is all
>> completely invisible to human eyes. Thus, the significance of their
>> omni-integratable potentialities is uncomprehended by either the world's
>> leaders or the led.
>> Neither the great political and financial power structures of the world,
>> nor the specialization-blinded professionals, nor the population in general
>> realize the sum-totally the omni-engineering-integratable, invisible
>> revolution in metallurgical, chemical, and electronic arts now makes it
>> possible to do so much more with ever fewer pounds and volumes of material,
>> ergs of energy, and seconds of time per given technological function that
>> it is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a "higher
>> standard of living than any have ever known.", pg. xxv, Critical Path, R.
>> Buckminster Fuller
>> "World Game will become increasingly effective in its prognoses and
>> programming when the world-around, satellite-interrelayed computer system
>> and its omni-Universe-operative (time-energy) accounting system are
>> established. This system will identify the kilowatt-hour-expressed world
>> inventory of foods, raw and recirculating resources, and all the world's
>> unique mechanical and structural capabilities and their operating
>> capacities as well  as the respective kilowatt-hours of available
>> energy-income-derived operating power with which to put their facilities to
>> work. All the foregoing information will become available in respect to all
>> the world-around technology's environment-controlling, life-sustaining,
>> travel- and communication-accomidating structures and machines.", pg. 219,
>> Critical Path, R. Buckminster Fuller
>> I'm happy that Milton Ponson pointed out Resilience. I had never thought
>> about resilience before. Looking into it was very gratifying. It gave me
>> some confidence that I was perhaps doing some things right, but at the same
>> time startled me by how much there is to learn to somehow survive the free
>> fall. Doing a search for Linked Data and Resilience gave me a result from
>> rkbexpolorer (
>> http://www.rkbexplorer.com/explorer/#display=project-{http%3A//wiki.rkbexplorer.com/id/resist}<http://www.rkbexplorer.com/explorer/#display=project-%7Bhttp%3A//wiki.rkbexplorer.com/id/resist%7D>)
>> which is from the ReSIST (Resilience for Survivability) project in Europe (
>> http://www.resist-noe.org/). They also have some links to some free
>> course material at <http://resist.isti.cnr.it/home.php>.
>> I believe my blog evolved to explore a peer-to-peer economy. Michael
>> Bauwens desribes such economies as distributed networks, "As political,
>> economic, and social systems transform themselves into distributed
>> networks, a new human dynamic is emerging: peer to peer (P2P). As P2P gives
>> rise to the emergence of a third mode of production, a third mode of
>> governence, and a third mode of property, it is poised to overhaul our
>> political economy in unprecendented ways." (
>> www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499)
>> This suggests something broader. As a result of our conversation, I also
>> looked at some people with socialist views such as Roberto Verzola, W. Paul
>> Cockshott and Allin Cottrell, Raoul Viktor, and Heinz Dieterich.
>> Roberto Verzola describes an economy of abundance, which may indeed be
>> linked to P2P technologies.
>> "An economy of abundance seeks to dismantle or reform these
>> scarcity-generating institutions in such a way as to affirm our freedom to
>> live life as art (self-expression to others), social equity (so that
>> everything can live life as art), and sustainability (so that all life can
>> thrive into the future). Among other things, this implies a much greater
>> role for various forms of shared property, individual an community-level
>> self-reliance, and participatory decision making." (
>> http://www.shareable.net/blog/event-the-economics-of-abundance)
>> He also argues that for innovation to proceed, everyone seeking knowledge
>> should have access to it.
>> "the most important means to ensure that innovation can proceed is to
>> ensure that everyone seeking knowledge has access to it. ... Knowledge that
>> helps empower people depends on openness, while knowledge that is used to
>> coerce, to exert power over the disempowered, thrives on secrecy" p. 150,
>> The Economics of Abunance: A Political Economy of Freedom, Equity and
>> Sustainability, Roberto Verzola
>> This seems to align well with my present feelings.
>> I feel that engineering is so saturated with IP, that it is hard to feel
>> like you're not going to be doing that. At the same time I want to develop
>> my skills and thrive. How do become a Professional Engineer and not feel
>> like you're going to be doing that? What if you don't like the lawyer
>> saturated culture where people are suing other people over some idea you or
>> someone else produced? I can sense that a lot of people, especially in the
>> hacker and maker community, want to be able to support themselves and work
>> on cool new things but don't want to deny other people to work on the same
>> cool things. Why do ideas have to take on a life of their own and become
>> part of something you might be employed by, but have no control beyond
>> that? Sorry about the extreme language, but why do I imagine it as making
>> deal with the devil? Betraying your friends so you can enjoy life and eat?
>> In this, there is an underlying assumption that there are institutions that
>> do not want to share or partner, or make it very difficult. If it is
>> easier, I feel that could be better.
>> Buckminster Fuller also wrote about such things:
>> "2. Grandmother taught us the Golden Rule: "Love thy neighbor as thy
>> self--do unto others as you would they should do unto you.
>> 3. As we became older and more experienced, out uncles began to caution
>> us to get over our sensitivity. "Life is hard," they explained. 'There is
>> nowhere nearly enough life support for everybody on our planet, let alone
>> enough for a comfortable life support. If you want to raise a family and
>> have a comfortable life for them, you are going to have to deprive many
>> others of the opportunity to survive and the sooner, the better. Your
>> grandmother's Golden Rule is beautiful, but it doesn't work.'" p. 123.
>> Critical Path, R. Buckminster Fuller
>> Is it possible to have a win-win between people an business? Are there
>> any financial barriers to entry and/or partnership? Sometimes I fear that I
>> will never be paid enough to implement my ideas, or if I do then it will be
>> too late to enter the market. Either I can't afford to do the work, or
>> someone who developed and patented something that matches at least some of
>> my idea decides not to involve me. Thus I would question spending the time
>> developing my idea. I'm assuming I can develop my idea for my own personal
>> use (possibly not?). However, I am more certain I may have trouble sharing
>> and selling things developed from my ideas. I imagine that this favors
>> those who already have money.
>> People like Eric von Hippel and Michael Bauwens both speak about a lot of
>> innovation goinf on outside the firm. For example Michel Bauwen's states:
>> "The French-Italian school of 'cognitive capitalism' stresses the value
>> creation today is no longer confined to the enterprise, but beholden to the
>> mass intellectuality of
>> knowledge workers, who through their lifelong learning/experiencing and
>> systematic connectivity, constantly innovate within and without the
>> enterprise. This is an important
>> argument, since it would justify what we see as the only solution for the
>> expansion of the P2P sphere into a society at large: the universal basic
>> income. Only the
>> independence of work and the salary structure can guarantee the peer
>> producers can continue to create this sphere of highly productive use
>> value."
>> The Political Economy of Peer Production (
>> www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499)
>> Eric von Hippel also speaks about his book. (
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:20060123-Eric.von.Hippel-Democratizing.Innovation.ogg
>> )
>> However, giving people money for doing nothing makes me feel
>> uncomfortable. Of course, as Heinz Dietrich suggests, if you already have
>> money, things work just fine:
>> "The first step, in fact, would be to establish a new cybernetic
>> principle; you need something that coordinates billions of economic
>> transactions everyday. And, so far, the market has been a relatively
>> well-functioning system under two conditions: If the market is not
>> monopolistic and you have the buying power for the merchandise you produce
>> and for the services, then the market coordinates quite well."-- The
>> Socialism of the 21st Century (
>> http://eipcp.net/transversal/0805/dieterich/en)
>> Paul Cockshott, and Allin Cottrell suggest a payment system determined
>> democratically, "The payment system outlined in chapter 2 depends on the
>> idea that the total labour content of each product or service can be
>> calculated." p. 8, Towards a New Socialism
>> If this is by the state, then I am moved to say I do not trust the
>> government to do much right at all. Certainly, this is what I feel if I
>> spend any length of time watching the news. But I would like to look into
>> it. If this develops into something, the state should be involved at some
>> level. I feel bad about this. I'll have to read more.
>> However, I agree that with more democracy things would be better.
>> "The principal bases for a post-Soviet socialism must be radical
>> democracy and efficient planning. The democratic element, it is now clear,
>> is not a luxury,
>> or something that can be postponed until conditions are especially
>> favourable. Without democracy, as we have argued above, the leaders of a
>> socialist society
>> will be driven to coercion in order to ensure the production of a surplus
>> product, and if coercion slackens the system will tend to stagnate." p. 7,
>> Towards a New Socialism
>> I definately think there needs to be some way to accomplish things that
>> makes it fair to people. In terms of me, I believe this underlies a larger
>> problem than me being connected with the right job or being afraid of debt
>> going back to school. It is the problem of connecting people with the right
>> jobs,
>> utilizing the skills they already have so they don't have to fear paying
>> to learn what they already know, and raising awareness that the jobs are
>> there. I dream about linked data being able to illuminate relationships
>> between present skills and related skills to job seekers and employers. I
>> also dream about linked data allowing people to market themselves with
>> clarity as a basket of skills that represents who they really are rather
>> than a basket of skills that was set by a well-meaning college,
>> trade-school, or university. I honestly believe that people who do
>> something they have a passion for, will be more effective employees or
>> entrepreneurs.
>> But how to pay for it? If you take out debt you need to find a way to pay
>> it off. If you can't find something that reflects your values you may feel
>> like you're enslaved to something else while trying to pay it off. It can
>> be a pressing struggle as Paul Grignon's Money as Debt video on Youtube
>> describes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K5_JE_gOys). Paul Grigon and
>> others say that our present monetary system leads to infinite growth.
>> "We need to become politically sensitive to the invisible architectures
>> of power. In distributed systems, where there is no overt hierarchy, power
>> is a function of design. One such system, perhaps the most important of
>> all, is the monetary system, whose interest-bearing design requires the
>> market to be linked to a system of infinite growth, and this link needs to
>> be broken.
>> A global reform of the monetary system, or the spread of new means of
>> direct social production of money, are the necessary conditions for such a
>> break."
>> (http://p2pfoundation.net/About_The_Foundation)
>> I'd imagine this would create no problems for people as long as there is
>> the will and resources to grow infinitely. However, Paul Grigon points out
>> an exception: those with the money to lend at interest will eventually wind
>> up with all of the money, and due to forclosure the property too.
>> My site explores distributed funding. (
>> http://adistributedeconomy.blogspot.com/2012/03/distributed-funding.html).
>> I am still not sure how exactly to accomplish it. I think it may involve
>> something like Ripple (https://classic.ripplepay.com/) and PaySwarm (
>> http://payswarm.com/). A friend of mine pointed out that it did not seem
>> that Ripple allows to keep track of what you owe who, whereas PaySwarm
>> appears to do so. I may need to develop something on my own (
>> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments/2013Feb/0034.html)
>> that involes donations, and whatever models are needed. Embarrasingly, I'm
>> still learning JavaScript. Thankfully, my friends are also encouraging me
>> to focus on some small project.
>> A few other thoughts:
>> As I was reading, I noticed some mention of rival and non-rival goods.
>> Rival goods could be seen as raw materials or products, and non-rival goods
>> could exist in an infinite amount. In the
>> maker world I see things such as CAD files as non-rival and raw materials
>> and end products as rival. I question whether people would still pay for
>> rival goods, and perhaps donate for non-rival goods if there was an open
>> source economy? What if things such as PaySwarm made it easy to do so?
>> The Rep Rap and Ardrino are open source hardware, and all products by
>> Makerbot used to be (http://josefprusa.cz/open-hardware-meaning/,
>> http://www.hoektronics.com/2012/09/21/makerbot-and-open-source-a-founder-perspective/).
>> People can share their designs, but would people share their profits with
>> those who contributed to their idea? It wouldn't have to be much, as small
>> amounts still add up. Would this be bad? Even if people don't have to pay,
>> things might still vary as does the amount you might get by selling a book?
>> Concieveably if you have a lot of open source hardware, then you could have
>> as much flexibility in the physical world as you do in the software world.
>> In an extreme case, maybe you could have open source spaceships. They are
>> after all lots of little parts, much like a GNU/Linux distro.
>> If things could be freely copied and not exclusively owned as in the GPL,
>> would you still have brand loyalty? While not going into the fine details,
>> the Ultimaker and the Makerbot Thing-O-Matic look very similar. Why would I
>> want one over the other? If whatever you chose was linked to previous
>> innovations, and people let their donations flow to those authors, how much
>> would it matter?
>> Would the crowd maintain accountability so people would not collect money
>> for doing nothing? The maker community seems to be supportive of things
>> that they are free to contribute to. How far could this go, especially with
>> support from arguments made by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams in the
>> book Wikinomics? For the legality, things like the JOBs act seem exciting.
>> However, this seems to be for equity-based crowdfunding and not just
>> donations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JOBS_Act). I'd imagine that it
>> would be both even if some of the things were as described above. What if
>> you were retired, and you had money, but nothing you contributed was being
>> used? Could you grow your money to support yourself?
>> The potential of digital technologies seems huge. I read about the
>> Industrial Internet, as pointed out by Milton Poson. The GE report titled,
>> "Industrial Internet. Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines"<
>> www.ge.com/docs/chapters/Industrial_Internet.pdf>, by Peter C. Evans and
>> Marco Annunziata has the following quote:
>> "The combination of physics- based approaches, deep sector specific
>> domain expertise, more automation of information flows, and predictive
>> capabilities can join with the existing
>> suite of “big data” tools. The result is the Industrial Internet
>> encompasses traditional approaches with newer hybrid approaches that can
>> leverage the power of both historic and
>> real-time data with industry specific advanced analytics."
>> Of course, this makes me want to go down the path of Density Functional
>> Theory and Molecular Dynamics. I had a brief exposure to these concepts in
>> graduate school, and it reminds me of the layout algorithms in Gephi (at
>> least MD, I know a little less about DFT). Yes! I just learned about DBSCAN
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBSCAN) in R (
>> http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~dq209/others/Rdatamining.pdf) and ELKI (
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELKI). And here you have it, the original
>> DBSCAN paper
>> (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
>> In addition, they speak about Enterprise Management Software in terms of
>> the Industrial Internet:
>> "At the other end of the spectrum, enterprise management software and
>> solutions have been widely adopted to drive organizational efficiencies at
>> the firm level. The benefits
>> of these efforts include better tracking and coordination of labor,
>> supply chain, quality, compliance, and sales and distribution across broad
>> geographies and product lines.
>> However, these efforts have sometimes fallen short because while they can
>> passively track asset operations at the product level, the ability to
>> impact asset performance is limited.
>> Optimizing the system to maximize asset and enterprise performance is
>> what the Industrial Internet offers."
>> This reminds me of a presentation given by Dr. Manoj Dharwadkar of
>> Bentley Systems Inc. titled, "Using Sematic Web Technologies in Open
>> Applications" (http://www.w3.org/2008/12/ogws-slides/Bentley.pdf). It
>> also reminds me of the The Simantics Platform at the VTT Technical Research
>> Centre of Finland (www.vtt.fi) and the mission of Dassault Systems (
>> www.3ds.com). They all have the ISO15926 ontology in common.
>> I wasn't sure if they were talking about linked data in the report:
>> "To make information intelligent, new connections need to be developed so
>> that Big Data ‘knows’ when and where it needs to go, and how to get there.
>> If imaging data is better
>> connected, the right doctor could automatically receive a patient’s
>> rendered images so the information is finding the doctor instead of the
>> doctor
>> finding the information. "  --- Opportunity for Liked Data?
>> random paper with medical devices communicating with the semantic web:
>> http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/30/7/2039.abstract
>> http://www.mdpnp.org/uploads/8-3_Schluter_26Jan.pdf (devices
>> commmunicating, like Industrial Internet)
>> Further, they go into what is needed to to build the Industrial Internet:
>> "The Industrial Internet will require an adequate backbone. Data centers,
>> broadband spectrum, and fiber networks are all components of the ICT
>> infrastructure
>> that will need to be further developed to connect the various machines,
>> systems, and networks across industries and geographies.
>> This will require a combination of inter- and intra- state infrastructure
>> order to support the significant growth in data flows involved with the
>> Industrial Internet.
>> "
>> I heard that Oklahoma, and the U.S. in general, needs more fiber. Someone
>> said that Denver, Dallas, Kansas City, Silicon Valley, Austin(?), all have
>> good networks.
>> How would the talent to build the Industrial Internet be gathered? Here
>> are a few more quotes:
>> "Other alternatives for sourcing cross-discipline talent might include
>> developing the existing resources in the native domain through
>> collaborative approaches. Instead
>> of building or buying talent that has multiple skills, create
>> environments that accelerate the ability of people with different skills to
>> interact and innovate together.
>> On a larger scale, approaches such as crowdsourcing might be able to
>> close some of the capabilities gaps that are sure to occur."
>> "Today, the people that manage big data systems or perform advanced
>> analytics have developed unique talents through self-driven specialization,
>> rather than through
>> any programs that build a standard set of skills or principles.
>> Co-development of curriculum, integration of academic staff into industry,
>> and other approaches will be
>> needed to ensure that the talent needs of the Industrial Internet do not
>> outpace the educational system."
>> There definately is a lag between the development of IT, and its
>> adoption. In Chemical Engineering, I'm pretty sure people thought I was
>> crazy when I started talking about the Semantic Web. People in network
>> security, and even computer science were not familiar with it. If you're
>> talking about Wikinomics (Openness, Peering, Sharing, Acting Global)
>> thinking there might be some growth to do. I heard of people at
>> universities and hackerspaces speak of themselves as universities, but
>> their culture is very different. Maybe hackerspaces are on the extreme of
>> being open, whereas universities are less so? Maybe this is the case with
>> IP. Maybe less so, with papers (but who can access them?).
>> See a presentation in 2008 by RIC Jackson, then Director of the FIATECH
>> Consortium: (
>> http://www.slccc.net/documents_pdf/Technology-Ric%20Jackson%200811.pdf).
>> Adoption of new tech for the enterprise is slow:
>> (
>> http://pandodaily.com/2012/02/11/why-oracle-may-really-be-doomed-this-time/
>> ).
>> There are some, such as the Mayor of Newark, NJ, who bothered to go to
>> SXSW to speak about the adoption of more tech:
>> (
>> http://pandodaily.com/2013/03/10/cory-booker-calls-for-tech-empowered-open-democracy/
>> ).
>> Here are three more quotes from the report:
>> "Measures to ensure the security of restricted data, including
>> intellectual property,proprietary information, and personally identifiable
>> information (PII) are critical.
>> " --- this reminds me of the Read Write Web Community Group
>> "Currently there are several standards bodies, but they are fragmented.
>> The promotion and adoption of common and consistent standards on data
>> structure, encryption,
>> transfer mechanisms, and the proper use of data will go a long way in
>> advancing cyber security."
>> I was made fun of by a CS graduate when I was excited about a possible
>> new standard.
>> "Academia: Further research on data security and privacy should be
>> pursued, including research on enhancing IT security, metrology,
>> inferencing concerns with non-
>> sensitive data, and legal foundations for privacy in data aggregation."
>> Perhaps more collaboration with the hacker community? Is it true that
>> some programmers, and some in CS tend to build things and ignore security
>> in the process? I wonder what is going on at hacker conferences like
>> Blackhat and DEFCON. BTW, people at the Chaos Communication Congress are
>> geniuses.
>> Whew! That's enough. If you're interested in more, read the report. It's
>> exciting. :)
>> I asked myself this question: What is the future role of the University?
>> The university may serve as a repository for books, a place to do
>> research, and a meeting place. Lectures? I'm not sure.
>> How do the things that Michael Hammer & Lisa W. Hershman talk about fit
>> in?
>> They wrote a book titled, "Faster, Cheaper, Better: The 9 Levers for
>> Transforming How Work Gets Done".
>> I believe they were talking about Business Process Improvement (
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_process_improvement). Would
>> Process Owners, as mentioned by them, serve a major role in the Industrial
>> Internet? (http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Process_Owner)
>> ----------------
>> Resources that I am considering reading:
>> The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, Evengy Morozov, 2011
>> To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism,
>> Evengy Morozov, 2013
>> The Wealth of Networks, Yochai Benkler, Yale University Press, 2006
>> Science and the Crisis in Society, Frank H. George, Wiley, 1970
>> Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age, Steven Johnson,
>> 2012
>> Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organization Without Organizations,
>> Clay Shirky, 2008
>> Nasa's Advanced Automation for Space Missions,
>> http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/ (Robots, Expert Systems, Etc..), The
>> Technical Stuff, 1980
>> The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, Al Gore, 2013,
>> http://www.amazon.com/The-Future-Drivers-Global-Change/dp/0812992946,
>> Reviewed by Tim Berners-Lee, may relate well to the previous link
>> An Inquiry to Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam
>> Smith, LL.D. F.R.S., MDCCCXLIII (1843) (according to Wikipedia, it was
>> first published in 1776)
>> Books by Chris Anderson and Lawrence Lessig
>> Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom,
>> Rebecca MacKinnon, 2012
>> Business Process Improvement: the breakthrough strategy for total
>> quality, productivity, and competitiveness, H J Harrington , 1991
>> Faster, better, cheaper : low-cost innovation in the U.S. space program,
>> Howard E McCurdy, 2001
>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net
>> > wrote:
>> it seems to me that these shifts have already started, before 2013,
>> including in these fields, but are also much more long-term transformations
>> ... in the case of deep-pocketed and politically powerful vested interests,
>> only moderate bottom-up advances can be expected in the very short term ...
>> both telecom and banking are still heavily centralized, they enabled
>> people-based p2p dynamics but control the infrastructure, the data, the
>> design and many other aspects of their only partly distributed systems ...
>> I'm sure the same is true of GE .. no corporation will allow a fully p2p
>> distributed system without some form of centralized control
>> Michel
>> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:54 AM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <
>> metadataportals at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 2013 will see the advent of new paradigms for infrastructures that up
>> until now where centralized, i.e. electric power generation and
>> distribution, intermodal transportation and logistics, food and
>> agro-industrial production and distribution, industrial production and
>> distribution, consumer products manufacturing and distribution,
>> pharmaceuticals production and distribution, energy extraction and
>> distribution (including coal, gas, shale oil/gas and biofuels).
>> The data and telecom infrastructure and parallel the banking and
>> financial sectors are the only ones espousing decentralized distributed P2P
>> (and B2B) processes.
>> Resilience is a property that can only be achieved by copying the
>> structure of the internet and some of its inherent characteristics.
>> By defining strategic infrastructures as decentralized networks of
>> distributed P2P (B2B) processes embedded in an intelligent grid it becomes
>> possible to define resilience in a way similar to the resilience of the
>> Internet.
>> And a resilient grid lends itself perfectly to embedding in a semantic
>> web overlay grid.
>> The Industrial Internet as defined by GE and outlined in a recent white
>> paper comes pretty close to it but not quite yet.
>> See http://www.gereports.com/meeting-of-minds-and-machines/.
>> Milton Ponson
>> GSM: +297 747 8280
>> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
>> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
>> Project Paradigm: A structured approach to bringing the tools for
>> sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide by creating ICT
>> tools for NGOs worldwide and: providing online access to web sites and
>> repositories of data and information for sustainable development
>> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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>> system manager. This message contains confidential information and is
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>> you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
>>   ------------------------------
>> *From:* Brent Shambaugh <brent.shambaugh at gmail.com>
>> *To:* ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <metadataportals at yahoo.com>
>> *Cc:* Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>; Samuel Rose <
>> samuel.rose at gmail.com>; "public-lod at w3.org" <public-lod at w3.org>; Paul
>> Cockshott <william.cockshott at glasgow.ac.uk>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 9, 2013 2:10 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: A Distributed Economy -- A blog involving Linked Data
>> Oh well, I'll share my story on a W3C forum no less.
>> Model, true. Would my experiences even translate? I think you'd have to
>> see this from my own personal perspective. Even though I grew up in an
>> American home there was a lot of discourse in my family. There wasn't a lot
>> of room for personal expression, and my family was very religious so I was
>> afraid of offending God if I went against the dominating figure and/or
>> ideology in the family. I was also very shy growing up, and I did not have
>> much money, even though I came from an upper middle class family. I felt
>> out of place most of the time, and sometimes I had ideas that people did
>> not seem to understand or be interested in. I liked computers, and wanted
>> to learn more about them. I was always asking people doing computer stuff
>> how to program, even though I had a lot of trouble doing it myself. I think
>> it was because I struggled with algebra (and other maths), but more so
>> algebra. I also was a bit lost in some documentation, and may have not been
>> fully aware of other resources that may have helped. I was afraid of
>> tinkering, but I built webpages and was proud of them and I also built
>> structures in the woods (but that is a bit off topic). My family paid for
>> my college. I'm thankful for that, but it also leaves me with a feeling of
>> responsibility to them. I'll admit to not being in sync with things in my
>> undergraduate years. It looks very good if you have an internship. But at
>> the time I made a few mistakes perhaps. I was a bit afraid to try because
>> the companies I qualified for either were not doing something that
>> interested me and/or something that I felt reflected my beliefs, values and
>> possibly something else that is hard to describe. In short, perhaps
>> passion. Over time I realized that it would probably be wiser to accept
>> things as is if I ever hoped to be employed. Making the sale was difficult
>> though. I think perhaps people think I'm lazy, or uniformed, because I did
>> not work (except for academic things) in college. Or was it emotion? Ideas
>> out of place? I was also affected by many of the same family things growing
>> up.
>> I have an interest in physics, electronics, economics, systems, etc. I
>> think that if I ever hope to use my education, and share what I have
>> learned, I need to do something amazing. I could go back to school, take on
>> a lot of debt, and just hope that I get enough good grades to impress
>> enough people (and not have them think I'd get bored when trying to get a
>> job). Or I could learn things on my own, participate in projects, and hope
>> that people receive me with open arms.
>> Since 2007 when I discovered Polywell nuclear fusion I've gained new
>> perspective on the world. I never actually built a fusion reactor, but I
>> did try to learn what was behind them. This motivated me to read lots of
>> books, and my desire to do other things to explore my uniqueness as an
>> individual led to even more books. GNU/Linux facilitated my graduate work,
>> and I can relate to it's philosophy through my many frustrations. Open
>> source is great, because I don't have to worry so much about my skills
>> wasting away. Being at the university also helps. I also don't have to
>> manufacture things or do anything special to have excitement about it.
>> But you know, how much can you actually get from someone who hasn't
>> experienced that much real employment? Because of that automatically people
>> see me in a certain way. And my views may not be necessarily realistic for
>> lack of experience. But whatever it is, it seems I have have found a lot of
>> energy and my friends seem to notice. I think about what I am learning more
>> too.
>> But would this model help people in the real world? I feel that had it
>> existed it could have helped me growing up, but that is my own personal
>> experience. In addition to studying, a lot of my peers spent their time
>> drinking beer, socializing, and playing and/or watching sports. And most
>> seemed to have more money. Now most seem to have even more money, and spend
>> time on Facebook talking about things they have bought or families that
>> they are raising. Their educational level is hard to discern. Not many seem
>> to be posting things about hacking, making or things that might suggest
>> deep insight. But not everyone fits that.
>> I guess what matters is whether it will work or not, and whether it truly
>> will benefit others. For that both an experiment and conversation will
>> help. Thank you Samuel for referring me to Michael. Milton, I am not
>> certain what it will do yet.
>> I am not certain what resilience truly means. I'm definitely bothered by
>> the wastefulness brought upon by obsolescence of products. It would be much
>> better I think if we knew how they worked so we could reuse the them (I'm
>> saying the parts) in other things. We've had this problem at the
>> hackerspace. We have lots of stuff around that if we had the blueprint, it
>> would be much better. If we knew how this blueprint connected to other
>> things I personally think that would be even better.
>> On a separate issue. In graduate school there were people there that
>> seemed really lost. I mean they were doing their work, but didn't seem to
>> have a joy about it. There also was not a lot of organization, and it was
>> hard to find things.
>> Outside of school, there are people that I know could go to graduate
>> school but didn't. It was frustrating to me that I could not seem to sell
>> them on thinking more deeply about things, or when they said I was really
>> smart (but did not have the confidence or belief that they could do it
>> themselves). Still others just weren't there. I've seen those who weren't
>> there at the hackerspace. I question why, and think the world would be a
>> better place if this could be tapped into.
>> "
>> Roberto Verzola is to my mind the political economist who has done most
>> in studying this, see http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Commons_Economics; Wolfgang Hoeschele is planning an ambitious database based on a Needs,
>> Organisational REsources, (I forgot what the A stands for)
>> I'm  sure that the proposed modelling effort will contribute to this
>> field; if you are ideologically open, you may also want to talk with people
>> like Paul Cockshott and the people of the Center for Transition Science at
>> UNAM in Mexico City; who are very good at econometric modelling and
>> interested in a cybernetic planning revival, "
>> I still have to think more about this. I was reading over it a bit today.
>> I might have seen something about this today. Someone was talking about
>> how technologies were allowing us (or could? ) to become more mobile, and
>> that people really didn't have to be co located. I don't remember what
>> technologies that they were referring.
>> "Peer to peer processes in addition should be defined as geography
>> independent, historically nomads, hunter gatherers and technomads in the
>> modern age all show this to be true."
>> I hope to write soon.
>> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Brent Shambaugh <
>> brent.shambaugh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm feeling that this is shaped by my own personal experience? I'm
>> willing, but should I risk putting it out there?
>> --
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