[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] Fwd: Turkiye ile dayanisma icin uluslararasi eylemlilik/#DIRENGEZI: STOP STATE VIOLENCE, RESPECT PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Jun 19 12:12:50 CEST 2013
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Orsan Senalp <orsan1234 at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 10:40 PM
Subject: [Networkedlabour] Fwd: Turkiye ile dayanisma icin uluslararasi
To: WSF L&G <wsf-l-and-g at lists.contrast.org>, esf-l-and-g <
Esf-l-and-g at lists.contrast.org>, networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Burcu Ayan (IUF-UITA-IUL) <burcu.ayan at iuf.org>
Date: 18 June 2013 20:08
Subject: Turkiye ile dayanisma icin uluslararasi eylemlilik
To: "Burcu Ayan (IUF-UITA-IUL)" <burcu.ayan at iuf.org>
To all IUF affiliated organisations
cc Executive Committee for Information
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Support action to protect protesters and freedom of speech and
assembly in Turkey: Join June 21 and 22 international protests
In response to formal requests from affiliates in Turkey, supported by
other IUF unions, the IUF is calling on all its members to support the
ongoing protests in Istanbul and throughout Turkey.
Time is of the essence and so we are asking you to act quickly and do
whatever you can on 21 and 22 June by organising actions,
demonstrations and marches at and around Turkish Embassy and
Consulates. We anticipate this will be the first of a series of
support actions. The dates coincide with actions organised by the
IUF's sister global union, ITF, which represents transport workers
workers and with major actions planned in Germany by workers with
connections with Turkey.
Please find a contact list of Embassy and Consulates of Turkey here:
Also, please find attached a model letter that you should deliver to
the Turkish Embassy or Consulate while gathering outside their
building. You will need to explain to the highest rank diplomat
available - ideally the Ambassador - that action is intended to ensure
that Turkey guarantees its people their right to freedom of expression
and assembly. The aim is to have the Ambassador or Consul pass this
message to the Government in Turkey.
The demands of this protest are as follows:
· The Government in Ankara should put an end to state violence
against peaceful demonstrators and ensure that the right of freedom of
expression and assembly is guaranteed in all public areas of Turkey.
· Those responsible for the thousands of injured people and
the deaths of Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, Abdullah Cömert, Ethem Sarısülük and
Mustafa Sarı should be held accountable, dismissed from their posts
and prosecuted before the law.
· Detained citizens who attended the protests across the
country should be immediately released with an official statement
declaring that there will not be any investigations pursued into them.
· All the legal and practical barriers against the exercise of
trade union rights are removed and the right to strike is respected.
· Detained trade unionists, journalists and all others
unjustly held for legitimate acts of protests and political opposition
should be released immediately.
Please organise actions and invite other trade unions, community
activists and members of the media to increase the impact of your
We attach some artwork that can be used for leaflets, posters etc.
Please contact Burcu Ayan <burcu.ayan at iuf.org> at the IUF Secretariat.
Please remember also to send Burcu any action reports including
photographs - these will be shared publicly on-line.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Merhaba arkadaslar,
IUF olarak uyelerimizi Turkiye icin eylemlilige ve ozellikle 21-22
Haziran tarihlerinde olmak uzere Turk Konsolosluklari ve
Buyukelcilikleri onunde gosteri yapmaya ve elciliklere Basbakana
iletmek uzere mektup birakmaya elcilik veya konsolosluk gorevlileri
ile konusmaya cagiriyoruz.
Lutfen konuyla ilgili ekte ve asagida ilgili metinleri bulunuz.
Haftasonunda sureci ITF ile de paylastik ve onlarin da tam destegini
aldik ve akabinde ITUC da hazirlamis oldugum metinlerden ve ITF`in de
uyelerine gonderdigi sirkulerden faydalanarak bir yazi gonderdi. Bu
surecte destekleri ve ilhami icin ve Almanya`da eylemleri orgutlemeyi
baslatan Selahattin abiye tesekkuru borc biliriz.
21-22 Haziran`da basta Almanya ve Ingiltere olmak uzere ve akabinde de
Endonezya ve Tunus gibi Muslaman ulkelerde bu eylemleri uyelerimiz ve
bolge ofislerimiz ile orgutlemeye calisiyoruz. Eylemlilik gosterecek
sendikalar ve ulkelerine iliskin bilgileri zaman icerisinde sizlerle
Gelen raporlar ve fotograflar derlenecek ve online paylasilacak hem
IUF sayfasindan makale olarak hem de gorsel ciktilara iliskin
IUF-ITF`in ortak flickr sayfasindan.
Uluslararasi orgutler olarak gezi parki ile baslayan eylemlilik ve
sokak direnislerini uluslararasi arenada uyelerimizi mobilize ederek
ve tek bir gun veya 2 gunluk eylemlilige hapsolmadan daha uzun bir
surece yayilan gosterilerle ve farkli ulkelerde sendikalarin uyeleri
ile birlikte sokaga cikmasi ve Turkiye`yi protesto etmesini saglayarak
destegi somutlamaya calisacagiz.
Bu surece ekleyebilecegimz ve uluslararasi arenada uygulanabilecek
farkli eylemlilik cesitleri onerileriniz varsa duymak isteriz.
Ilk aklima gelen ``Duraninsan`` eylemini uluslararasi alanda yaymak
bunlardan biri olabilir mesela, ancak tabi ki once Turkiye`de yapilan
bu eylemin sonuc ve faydalarini degerlendirmemiz onemli olacaktir.
Gelen destekleri sosyal medyayi da kullanarak yaymaya calisacagiz
ancak sizlerin de katkisi ile taksim dayanismasi ogelerini
uluslararasi dayanisma calismalari ve orneklerinden haberdar
edebilirseniz seviniriz.
Uluslararasi dayanisma calismalarimizla ilgili sizleri bilgilendirmeye
devam edecegim.
Dayanisma dileklerim ve selamlarimla,
Networkedlabour mailing list
Networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org
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