[P2P-F] Fwd: World Economics Association - The political economy of economic metrics

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Jan 30 13:22:22 CET 2013

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From: World Economics Association <contact at worldeconomicsassociation.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:03 AM
Subject: World Economics Association - The political economy of economic
To: michel <michel at p2pfoundation.net>

Economics Association<http://p.feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=56496096&f=763931&c=4538557>-
The political economy of economic metrics

*Economic metrics* are used to describe the world. Enormous amounts of
money are spent on measuring GDP, employment, wages, unemployment,
inflation, consumer and producer confidence, debt, money, the price level
and whatever. These metrics show us if inequality is rising or if
unemployment is going down. But these metrics are not just, or even mainly,
gathered for the sake of science.

They also play a role in economic policy and are often designed to enable
this. Some of these metrics like government debt as a percentage of GDP,
are even used to call entire countries to account – they surely are part of
‘the language of power’.

But are we measuring the right metrics? And do we measure them in the right
way? Or are our insights and policies biased because we’re looking at
biased and incomplete metrics? And are we looking at them in the right way?
Or do they act as blindfolds? Who decides anyway and on which grounds about
the very definitions and about the money spent on gathering the data?

These kinds of questions are being discussed in the World Economics
Association internet conference on *The political economy of economic
metrics*. The conference is now open.  Its website can be found here:

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