[P2P-F] new industrial internet report from GE

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 17:23:43 CET 2013

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Michel Bauwens
<michel at p2pfoundation.net> wrote:
> http://files.gereports.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ge-industrial-internet-vision-paper.pdf

Interesting. Looks like another variant of greenwashed/cognitive
capitalism as the basis of a new Kondratiev Wave or engine of

It presupposes 1) integrating smart transportation/power/inventory
management systems and an "internet of things" into the existing
global corporate institutional framework, and 2) relying heavily on
"cybersecurity" and strong IP law to enforce that institutional
framework against the naturally decentralizing and deflationary
tendency of network organization, in order 3) to enclose the network
revolution within a hierarchical framework and preserve it as a source
of rent for the existing power structure.

In short, it's an attempt at a Hail Mary pass to snatch victory from
the jaws of defeat for transnational corporate capitalism, and coopt
the potential of liberatory technologies into their dying system.

Kevin Carson
Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory, Research Associate
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org

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