[P2P-F] Who Should Own and Control the Network?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 17:28:46 CET 2013

Some say the Workers should be the owners and some say the Consumers
should be the owners and some say it should be a mixture of both.

Imagine you are not connected to the internet, but want a wired
connection between your computer and your neighbor's computer.

Imagine you hire someone to do that work and continue to hire them to
maintain that connection.

Should that worker have some ownership in that very small network?
Why or why not?

Now imagine you and your neighbor connect to other people, and they to
others and so-on until there are thousands and millions and even
billions of connections.

Should the workers that install and maintain those connections have
some ownership in that very large network?  Why or why not?

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