[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] FW: ETUC announces European demonstration for 4 April
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Dec 19 05:14:02 CET 2013
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: peter waterman <peterwaterman1936 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Networkedlabour] FW: ETUC announces European demonstration
for 4 April
To: Roland Erne <roland.erne at ucd.ie>, CRITICAL-LABOUR-STUDIES at jiscmail.ac.uk,
Debate is a listserve that attempts to promote information and analyses of
interest to the independent left in South and Southern Africa <
debate-list at fahamu.org>, WSFDiscuss List <
WorldSocialForum-Discuss at openspaceforum.net>, Dan Gallin <gli at iprolink.ch>,
networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org
*Peter sez:*
On the one hand, the ETUC is moving out from the European corridors of
power(lessness) and into the streets. On the other, its 'new path for
Europe' means back to an old, and failed, path for Europe. That is for a
re-birth of a 'Social Europe' that seems to have existed mostly in the
imagination of left-of-centre Eurocrats and Europhiles. And then, and more
basically, for the rebirth of a Keynesian Utopia, with 'autonomous' social
partners' (actually, of course, partners of and under capitalism) settling
any friction between unions, corporations and states, around a bargaining
This is, surely, a conservative utopianism, in so far as it mystifies a
dystopian present and offers in exchange a mystified past.
And this all presented without using the dread 'C-word', capitalism.
Nor does it seems to reach out to those who have recently re-discovered the
streets and added to this the tweets (here check out the book by Gerbaudo,
'Tweets and Streets'). They are evidently not invited to this party.
Let's nonetheless wish the ETUC success with its demonstration, either
taking part, or seeing online whether it has the kind of intellectual and
ethical effect on the European and Global 99% as have done, separately or
collectively, Madison, USA, the Arab uprisings, Democracia Real in Spain,
the occupied squares of Istanbul and Athens, the streets of Sao Paulo and
Rio, Brazil and [fill this space...].
*Now read on...*
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 7:19 AM, Roland Erne <roland.erne at ucd.ie> wrote:
> ETUC Press release
> Is this email not displaying correctly?
> View it in your browser<http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=7e6652fe22&e=bc6a0fbe67>.
> *
> <http://etuc.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=c847dc48c9&e=bc6a0fbe67>*
> *Crisis cannot be solved without sound social basis*
> *ETUC announces European demonstration for 4 April*
> 18/12/2013
> *The European Union will not get itself out of the crisis as long as it
> continues to ignore the real needs of its citizens, the European Trade
> Union Confederation (ETUC) has warned.*
> As EU leaders prepare to gather in Brussels for their end of year summit,
> they continue to undermine the European project by prolonging the financial
> and social crisis and alienating millions of people across the union.
> Speaking ahead of the summit on 18 December, ETUC Secretary General,
> Bernadette Ségol, announced that a European trade union demonstration will
> take place in Brussels on 4 April 2014, as the European Parliament prepares
> to elect new members.
> Recently, the ETUC launched its campaign, A New path for Europe, outlining
> a bold new investment plan for the EU, based on a sustainable industrial
> policy and quality jobs.
> In addition, it also set-out its manifesto for the European Parliament
> elections, which urges candidates uphold the social dimension of the EU,
> and reject any attempts to continue polices that diminish wages and working
> conditions.
> *“We in the trade union movement do not believe that the crisis is over,”*said Bernadette Ségol. *“What
> we have to ask is, who is out of trouble? The financial system or the
> people?”*
> *“Europe is extremely weak on its social dimension. Citizens do not agree
> with the kind of path the EU is going down. Such a Europe will be not be
> regarded kindly by its citizens, if it doesn’t change course.”*
> *“Political leaders have to show they will protect workers; it is not just
> about freedom of the market, but also about social protection. That is why
> we are having this campaign.”*
> - *A new path for Europe: ETUC plan for investment, sustainable growth
> and quality jobs*: http://www.etuc.org/a/11715<http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=e6ea3babfa&e=bc6a0fbe67>
> - *ETUC Manifesto on the European Parliament Elections*:
> http://www.etuc.org/a/11820<http://etuc.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=f913d39453&e=bc6a0fbe67>
> - *Twitter Hashtag: #NewPath4Europe*
> *The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) exists to speak with a
> single voice, on behalf of the common interests of workers, at European
> level. Founded in 1973, it now represents 85 trade union organisations in
> 36 European countries, plus 10 industry-based federations.The ETUC is also
> on Facebook
> <http://etuc.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=630aff4347&e=bc6a0fbe67>,
> **Twitter
> <http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=679e9391ce&e=bc6a0fbe67>**,
> **YouTube
> <http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=90b32790f6&e=bc6a0fbe67>**
> and **Flickr
> <http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=545917a5bf&e=bc6a0fbe67>**.
> *
> *Copyright © 2013 European Trade Union Confederation/ Confédération
> européenne des syndicats, All rights reserved.*
> *More information:*
> *Cillian Donnelly*
> Head of Press and Communications
> Phone: +32 (0) 2 224 04 30
> @: media at etuc.org<http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=20129e9b47&e=bc6a0fbe67>
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> unsubscribe from this list<http://etuc.us6.list-manage1.com/unsubscribe?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=1e34eb7c1c&e=bc6a0fbe67&c=7e6652fe22>| update
> subscription preferences<http://etuc.us6.list-manage.com/profile?u=432f45140d9f6f58d0cb10aa1&id=1e34eb7c1c&e=bc6a0fbe67>
1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
<http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/recovering_internationalism/>. [Now free
in two download formats]
*EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
<http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the Global
Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
<http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.net/>,
(Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
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