[P2P-F] The Economic Crisis of the Century.

Mark Adam dreamingforward at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 21:33:27 CEST 2012

Mr. President,

As someone who believes in the ideals of the United States, I implore
you to examine the current economic criiis with a new gaze.

The problems facing the masses of the 21st Century are unique
throughout our journey into civilization. Never before have the masses
been able to be so literate, educated, and connected. And never before
has the traditional path of conquest and expansion to create economic
value been at such a nadir. With these have emerged all the issues
that have been swept under the rug for the 200+ years since America's
principals were first conceived.

The ideals for democracy that the American founders envisioned
couldn't have imagined how immense the media system would come to
dominate. While they were astute enough to ensure Freedom of the Press
to mitigate the power of information, they couldn't have anticipated
that the wheels of capitalism would concentrate such power into the
few. A democracy must have an informed populace to be effective, but
if the media for staying informed are NOT democratic, but determined
by corporations which are obliged to provide a return to its owners,
then the process and ideals of democracy falter.

Nor could they have anticipated and planned for the "end of the West",
wherefrom the newly arising youth get displaced because the land for
development is already taken by the dominant property "owners"
operating within the outdated philosophy regarding the "common
property".  That's where we are today, with Generation X, like myself,
and younger, who are quite literate and won't be content with
production-line jobs in the industrial economy, but want the vibrancy
of the cultures they find on the internet.  They want the Creative

The Internet can provide a unified infrastructure to complement the
movement of physical goods to provide for human needs and move America
(and the world) out of the legacy that is the Industrial Age into a
new one of the Creative Age; from the Age of Separation, Expansion,
and Independence to one of Unity, Collaboration, and Inter-Dependence.

If the warning signs are ignored, the system endangers itself from
self-collapse.  As any biologist can tell you, there is no sustainable
scenario of exponential growth on a finite planet.  I urge you to get
in contact with those of use who do have such a vision, and with me,
personally, for a comprehensive plan that can create America 2.0.


Mark Janssen
Gothenburg, Nebraska

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