Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 01:14:46 CET 2012

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:36 AM, robert searle <dharao4 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Personally, I had some problems with JSTOR. I was suprpised to find a number
> of complete articles on google scholar, and put their links on a forum.
> However, a day, or so afterwards, I noticed that instead of the articles
> there was a subscription form for JSTOR!

I assume most people in academia have a friend with a JSTOR
subscription who emails them requested pdfs as a favor.  I know a
couple of people who help me out that way.  If JSTOR thinks the
average researcher is going to pay the equivalent of a restaurant meal
just to read a single article, they've been drinking the music
industry's Kool-Aid.

Kevin Carson
Research Associate, Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
Homebrew Industrial Revolution:  A Low-Overhead Manifesto
Desktop Regulatory State:  The Countervailing Power of Super-Empowered
Individuals http://desktopregulatorystate.wordpress.com
Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective

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