[P2P-F] Open Source Ecology in Germany

Nikolay Georgiev nikolay.h.georgiev at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 2 23:49:36 CET 2012

Dear friends,

we will start Open Source Ecology Community in Germany in 2012. 
Currently we are looking for dedicated people to form the Core Team and 
proceed from there.

Please share this link and info with people who may be interested or who 
could spread the call.

Side note: The goals of OSE Europe for January 2012 are here:

Thank you,

Nikolay Georgiev
Open Source Ecology Supporter

Website: http://www.nikolay-georgiev.net/blog/
Skype: nikolay.h.georgiev
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nikolayhg
Address: Darmstadt, Germany

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