[P2P-F] Three Key Problems with MMT.......................

ideasinc at ee.net ideasinc at ee.net
Fri Sep 30 13:46:39 CEST 2011

These "problems" are manufactured by dys-information, not by actual  
economic literacy. Each one of the arguments are simple politicized  
extortions based upon a framing by dis-information. It is severely  
offensive to even be airing this sort nonsense, particularly in a context  
which is supposed to interested in open source solutions. These statements  
are deeply erroneous and political. Being mainstream has nothing at all to  
do with serving the interests of the public, given the corporate  
occupation of academia to the point of defining what has been crowded out  
what was much more of an open discourse.

What you are suggesting is that the notion of being mainstream, somehow  
provides a measure of credibility, when actually it does not. It is a  
downstream effect of what passes as "mainstream" be a closed discourse by  
the proprietary interests of free speech for corporate interests and  
exclusion or manipulation in service to the same. This is how an open  
discourse is corrupted by lies under the pretense of being open, ie no  
fact checking is required and the elevation of ignorance is allowed.  
Inflation terrorism, is an associated strategy of the current deficit  
terrorism. It serves to preserve the same edifice of the neo-classical,  
economic ideology. By counterpoint Quantitative Easing is deemed to be  
effective and non-inflationary, though its effect has been to accelerate  
wealth extraction.

So we are supposed to surrender, to the banking cartel and its willing  
"cranks" for hire, that act in a strategy of divide and conquer. The  
message is clear: accept your chattel status or the masters of the matrix  
won't like it. These are non issues, except for those who are comfortable  
with the crumbs that trickle down. Corporate criminality has a much, much  
greater "inflationary effect," but that has the full approval of those who  
it serves. This much like a stern lecture or a show of supposed force to  
intimidate the fearfully ignorant. Go back to sleep, and the chains will  
make you safe from uncertainty. Or worse yet the delusions associated  
either with free market non-solutions, "Democracy" in service to corporate  
imperialism, and the illegality of opposition to the law, order, and  
security of slavery.

If this political attack is listed alongside MMT, it will be a clear and  
direct discrediting of any pretense of an open discourse by the P2P.

On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 06:36:38 -0400, robert searle <dharao4 at yahoo.co.uk>  

>  The following could be listed in connection with MMT.
>   1.  Mainstream economists would regard the idea that new non-repayable  
> money could be created by governments (ie MMT)thereby replacing tax  
> would be seen as being "too inflationary."
>   2. The concept from the US point of view that goverments should create  
> their own money sans taxation (except for controlling inflationary  
>  pressures where, and when necessary) would be seen as giving elected  
> representatives "too much power!"
>   3. The most obvious obstacle to MMT is ofcourse the Global Bond Market  
> which would  resist any attempt to reduce, or irradicate its power.

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