[P2P-F] Civil Society and the United Nations: Legitimating Global Governance-Whose Voice.

James Quilligan jbquilligan at comcast.net
Tue Oct 11 17:02:41 CEST 2011

Hi Michel

No, I hadn't heard of it. I will try to track it down.


On Oct 10, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> Hi James, do you know about this book?
> *
> Civil Society and the United Nations: Legitimating Global Governance- 
> Whose Voice.
> Nora McKeon studied history at Harvard University and political  
> science at the Sorbonne before joining the FAO. She held positions  
> of increasing responsibility there, culminating in overall direction  
> of the FAO's relations with civil society. She now divides her time  
> between consulting, writing and lecturing on food systems, peasant  
> farmer movements and UN-civil society relations; and coordinating an  
> exchange and advocacy program for African and European farmers’  
> organizations on agriculture and trade policy issues. Her recent  
> publications include Peasant Organizations in Theory and Practice  
> (with Michael Watts and Wendy Wolford, UNRISD 2004), Strengthening  
> Dialogue with People’s Movements: UN experience with small farmer  
> platforms and Indigenous Peoples (with Carol Kalafatic, UN-NGLS  
> 2009) and Civil Society and the United Nations: Legitimating Global  
> Governance-Whose Voice. (Zed 2009).
> -- 
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