[P2P-F] My Library in Young European People’s World - call for partners

Mark Petz evs.coordinator at hirvikatu10.net
Mon Oct 3 20:07:19 CEST 2011

*My Library in Young European People’s World*

 *1-10 May 2012, Targu Jiu , Romania*

 *Description:*The project “My Library in Young European People’s World”
aims at awakening Romanian young people’s awareness regarding the part the
Library plays in their lives and at reducing their disbelief in this public
institution. 30 young people, age 18 to 25 from 5 European countries, will
share the experience they have with their libraries and the outcome will be
a change in perception towards .Library and towards their interaction with
people of their age. They will discover together that the Library is that
particular place where friends are made, ideas and feelings are shared,
where everyone can find his place. All these things gain a new dimension due
to the intercultural character of the project.
The participants will be given an opportunity to become acquainted with
other cultures and be aware of the cultural diversity in Europe, while
improving their linguistic abilities at the same time. A variety of
non-formal educational tools as workshops, role plays, trips, simulations,
competitions, seminars, information and promotion campaign will be used and
will ensure the success of the project.

 *OT*The objectives will be :
1.To share experience of 30 young people (aged 18-25 years, from five
European countries, over a period of 10 days) in relation to the library.
2.To be aware of the important role of the library for European youngsters
between 13-25 years old in 10 days
3.Reducing distrust towards the public library of 100 young people aged
13-25 years, members of the community, for a period of 6 months
4. To develop intercultural and european dimension between young europeans .

10 days (excluding arrival and departure)

6 participants per organization
a total of 30 participants

 *Potential Partner Countries:*
EU Countries plus EU, Turkey, Norway, Lichtenstein and Eastern European

As the project seeks funding by the Youth in Action Programme accommodation
and food will be provided by the organizers. Travel costs to the venue and
back will be covered 70%.

Contact Person: Lacatusu Diana-Gabriela
Phone: +40.728.256.460
E-mail: *diana_lacatusu at yahoo.com*

 *Please send part III , scan and then original to :*
Lacatusu Diana-Gabriela
Nicolae Bălcescu street, building 1E , flat 2
Postal code 210160, Gorj County , Târgu-Jiu
Contact persons : Lacatusu Diana-Gabriela – *diana_lacatusu at yahoo.com*,
Angheluta Elena-Mariana – angelo_emma at yahoo.com

 Good Lucks

Laura Rusu
director executiv ATPD
Ion Stamate nr.4
Sannicolau Mare

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 Tis group is youth group.They are working with young people and they are
making project for them.because young people so important for future.If you
have ideas and other ideas please share to us.We are sharing ALL ideas here
for young people!!!

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