[P2P-F] CALL FOR PAPERS: FIRST ISSUE of "Culture, Climate and Change: Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods"

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Nov 23 13:42:15 CET 2011


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:55 PM, mp <mp at aktivix.org> wrote:

> Holistic, system oriented exchange about climate change among peers:
> ==============================
> View/download .PDF here:
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/73367551/Call-for-Papers-CCC-1st-Issue
> This new, open-access transdisciplinary journal Culture, Climate and
> Change: Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods aims to critically engage
> with and disseminate biocultural approaches to understanding and
> responding to climate change and global change processes.
> The journal puts into practice the ‘epistemic bridging’ that lies at the
> heart of indigenous peoples’ biocultural understanding of territory,
> community, climate and ecosystems through sharing across practice based
> learning, research findings and conceptual papers.
> A feature of this first issue will be a section on REDD and REDD+. We
> are particularly interested in articles that explore the relationship
> between the rights of forest dwelling indigenous peoples and climate
> change mitigation mechanisms for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
> and Forest Degradation (REDD).
> Types of Papers:
>    Research Articles (5 – 8,000 words)
>    Essays
>    Book and report reviews
> Please visit the CCC:BSL site at
> http://journals.sfu.ca/ccc/index.php/ccc/index for all the information
> on how to format your manuscript, as well as on-line submissions. Please
> note that you must register (go to
> http://journals.sfu.ca/ccc.index.php/ccc/user/register) as an author to
> be able to submit your manuscript.
> For more information:
> http://journals.sfu.ca/ccc/index.php/ccc/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions
> Completed manuscripts submitted by December 23rd will be considered for
> the journal launch in January 2012.. Manuscripts submitted after this
> date will also be considered for the first issue, which will continue to
> publish papers through till March 2012.
> Short contributions: Maximum length 2,000 words
> Research articles: Maximum length 8,000 words
> Dr Marina Apgar, Indigenous Peoples’ Biocultural Climate Change
> Assessment (IPCCA) initiative, Asociacion ANDES, Cusco, Peru
> Dr Will Allen, Learning for Sustainability -
> http://learningforsustainability.net/
> Dr Martin Pedersen, Co-founder | t r 3 3 |
> Dr Nina Moeller, Freelance Consultant, UK
> Further info:
> A new journal of biocultural systems & livelihoods:
> Climate change is perhaps the biggest challenge that communities and
> ecosystems across the world face today. Indigenous peoples and local
> communities living in biodiverse and fragile ecosystems of the planet
> are especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to their
> direct reliance on local, natural systems for their livelihoods,
> well-being and cultural expressions. Paradoxically, they also
> potentially hold vital knowledge, gained through co-evolutionary
> relationships with the natural systems that have enabled their survival
> and resilience. Understanding climate change, its impacts on local and
> global systems, and potential solutions requires touching upon concerns
> of how to link the social to the environmental within a framework of
> equity and justice. It requires dialogue across scales from the local to
> the global. Holistic approaches, such as indigenous and biocultural
> approaches offer potential avenues for understanding the challenge and
> building appropriate solutions.
> This new, open-access transdisciplinary journal Culture, Climate and
> Change: Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods aims to critically engage
> with and disseminate biocultural approaches to understanding and
> responding to climate change and global change processes.
> The journal puts into practice the ‘epistemic bridging’ that lies at the
> heart of indigenous peoples’ biocultural understanding of territory,
> community, climate and ecosystems through sharing across practice based
> learning, research findings and conceptual papers.
> In light of a commitment to building epistemological bridges between
> different knowledge systems, the journal will use an open peer review
> process which aims to promote an environment of cooperation, knowledge
> exchange and networking between authors and reviewers of the journal
> community.
> --
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