[P2P-F] Fwd: new bk

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Sun Nov 6 09:55:59 CET 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Louis Bohtlingk <daretocare at carefirstworld.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:29 AM
To: hazel.henderson at ethicalmarkets.com
Cc: pippa at pippa-bartolotti.co.uk, rosalindcopisarow at yahoo.co.uk,
michelsub2004 at gmail.com, lesliedanziger at yahoo.com, jslovink at planet2025.net,
rosalinda.sanquiche at ethicalmarkets.com, steveschueth at firstaffirmative.com,
steiner_king at earthlink.net, suevanee at gmail.com, walshmich at gmail.com,
jhzwerver at gmail.com, jonjul at clara.co.uk, quentincowen at gmail.com,
giles.chitty at gmail.com


*Dear old and new friends,
*Hope you are in good spirits. I definitely send you best wishes.
I am contacting you all about my first book: *Dare to Care - a love based
foundation for money and finance*
I am so happy about the release of this Book in these turbulent times. I
hope it can bring hope and peace towards
our financial storms and economic uncertainties.

I wrote the book and was supported and inspired by *Hazel Henderson*, who
also wrote the Foreword.
My friend *Ernie Robson* helped me with the editing and wrote big parts of
two chapters. I have had so many people helping me.
My publisher is *Cosimo in New York*. Official release date Nov 1st 2011.
Today I saw the printed book for the first time. It looks very elegant,
light and easy to read. I am very happy

*You can order the book now online at Barnes&Noble: *
*and Cosimo (Amazon)(here you also read the Cosimo review of the Book)
*on our website
www.CareFirstWorld.com <http://www.carefirstworld.com/>, *where you find
more info about the Book. I am sending you *two files, which tell you more
about the book. (see attached)*

Cosimo is a print on demand publisher (no paper waste). *Bookstores will
carry the books if they notice that there is a demand and you request them
So for example if you want the Boulder Bookstore to carry it, they might
decide to do that if more a you place an order through them.

Another thing that can help others to find out about the book is *to place
a review on *Barnes&Nobles and Amazon (Cosimo said you can place the same
review on both)

There is something going on with the sales because I saw it advertised on
You Tube last night in between best selling books.
I am trying to work out how it got there. I also saw this morning that we
moved in from sales rank 1.058.234 to 337.240 in one day. I am all new to
this stuff.
Let the Care First spread!!!!Let's recreate our financial worlds and
Much love

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

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