[P2P-F] "sailing the farm" : in search of resilient communities - nearby navigable waters

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 27 19:25:08 CEST 2011

Hi Kevin, Hi Marcin ( cc: p2pfoundation , Michel, Sam, ...  bcc: Ze)

I found the following initiative of great interest.

/sailing- <http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/sailing-the-farm/>the-farm/<http://www.couchsurfing.org/people/sailing-the-farm/>

*They are building a boat, on a farm in Norway.*
*There is interest in sailing between ecovillages and transition town

It seems to be a culturally diverse (self organized ?) group of people
living together and building together.
The contact for the project seems to be "Ze".
I have been exchanging a few emails with her, and wish to share some
excerpts below.

It resonates with some of my own childhood dreams.
I personally project parallels with the Hansa ( but with a
(1 <http://bit.ly/gU50GS> ; 2 ) <http://bit.ly/eBWFjy> non/post capitalist
framework ? )
or a league of neo-nomadic neo-venetian

Dante :

Thanks for your reply Ze.

you say :
*"we are more in search of ecovillages/transition tows,*
*to be the glue and means of contact and transport between them in future"*

Are your boats also going upstream or on canals ?

*Ze :*

hi dante.
yes, boat can go upstream and into canal. (maste height is around 14meter).

what i am in search of is contact info for such stransition towns and
wwoof could also be of interest but i think most of wwoof places is family
farm which is something very different.
we are building up a transport network between communities not between
run places. (we want to help communities survive in the long run)

thanks for tips. already know about findhorn (which is a little questionable
since its a bit more or less a business place these days) and also know
gendatabase and ic.org

*Dante :*

it somehow reminds me of the historic hanseatic league ... except for the
capitalist component :)



note :
*the League never became a closely-managed formal organisation. Assemblies
of the Hanseatic towns met irregularly in Lübeck for a Hansetag (‘Hanseatic
Diet’), from 1356 onwards, but many towns chose not to send representatives
and decisions were not binding on individual cities. Over time, the network
of alliances grew to include a flexible roster of 70 to 170 cities.*
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