[P2P-F] important debate: fighting cuts in an age of powerdown

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 13:55:22 CET 2011

Michel said : <<so, how to formulate the right frame that honours both


I am not sure how to formulate it in a way that can be attractive - here is
an attempt regarding content of what I would like to communicate related to
the question posed.

Short Answer : *enable hybrid vector information systems*
My longer answer :

Via an understanding of financial and economic systems ?

Proposing *investment of "resources" available*,
including by encouraging the use of vectors which can currently enable
access to such resources, such as interest bearing central banking monetary

as to get out of dependency of the former system ( without a need for
conflict ? )
and build up / empower the use by more and more people of alternative,
post-capitalist, non exponential growth oriented economic systems, and peer
ownership of such economic modes and its production infrastructure and the
resources it can create,
which would not be dependent on the current financial and centralized
governance vectors ...

In other words : *enable hybrid vector systems* usable by all, which
systemically can lead a transition towards shared common intentions through
empowering each individual to shared choice regarding the conditions of the
interdependency of various relational dynamics.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> http://transitionculture.org/2011/03/15/richard-heinberg-interviewed-in-totnes-i-think-2011-is-going-to-be-an-interesting-year-in-the-chinese-sense-part-two/
> Dear friends,
> I have some difficulty in articulating the following issue, and hope you
> can help me in framing this in the right way,
> so, here is the problem,
> on the one hand, we have a classic systemic 'end of wave' crisis of
> capitalism, a bail-out of the financial class and austerity measures imposed
> on working people to fund it, hence, a natural mobilization to defend the
> population against those cuts by 'getting the money where it is'
> on the other hand, we have a much more systemic systemic crisis due to
> climate change, peak oil, etc ... and we have forces such as the transition
> movement, these people are saying, it's useless to fight the cuts, they
> reflect the end of growth, etc ..  in one of the articles I read, I forgot
> about which town, you could see how these people were talking to the
> austerity-minded cost-cutting conservative city hall while there was a
> massive mobilization of the anti-cuts movement going on,
> so, we have 2 contradictory realities, yes, the current austerity is fake
> and the money is there but captured by the elite, but, yes, the deeper
> crisis is also there and we have to think about changing our economic system
> more fundamentally, and part of this is indeed changing the growth system,
> etc ..
> my hunch is that it is essential to be in solidarity with the workers and
> citizens in the anti-cuts movement, but this somewhat reflective attitude
> needs an add-on, a broader context, that reflects the second truth, but
> without putting us on the side of the plutocracy in justifying the cuts ..
> so, how to formulate the right frame that honours both truths?
> Michel
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