[P2P-F] revolution in birkenhead, UK - Common Law and rebellion

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 08:29:42 CET 2011

thanks Mark!

2011/3/16 Mark Petz <ravenwyn at gmail.com>

> I think this has interesting aspects of self-organization, even if the
> group will not be successful.
> http://www.thebcgroup.org.uk/
> from 8.40 watch about lawful rebellion! CLICK on ALTERNATIVE GOVERNANCE
> "Under article 61 of Magna Carta 1215<http://worldfreemansociety.org/blogpost361-Article-61-Lawful-Rebellion>the founding document of our Constitution we have a right to enter into
> lawful rebellion if we feel we are being governed unjustly. Contrary to
> common belief our Sovereign and her government are only there to govern us
> and not to rule us and this must be done within the constraint of our Common
> Law and the freedoms asserted to us by such Law, nothing can become law in
> this country if it falls outside of this simple constraint. "
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Kevin Morgan <huwkevin at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> oh what the hell still a minute left as revolution breaks out everywhere.
>> http://worldfreemansociety.org/blogpost374-Hundreds-of-council-tax-protesters-storm-courtroom-in-attempt-to-make-citizens-arrest-of-judge
>> http://worldfreemansociety.org/Welcome+Page

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