[P2P-F] Fwd: world passport
elf Pavlik
perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org
Tue Jul 5 20:20:03 CEST 2011
yup! =)
i know Eddy quite well, we may meet again a day after tomorrow, and i would like to ask him to make possible adding translations of his reports from his upcoming journey in english and possibly other languages.
shortly: he gave away his german IDs and now got those from 'worldgovernment.org', using which he received visa from Iran and now he will go on a motorcycle from around Berlin to Tehran crossing various borders and using his 'World Citizen Passport' =) images of documents and visa available in his introduction post: http://yesbo.de/kingeddy
LOL :-)
elf Pavlik
Excerpts from Michel Bauwens's message of Tue Jul 05 20:02:08 +0200 2011:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
> Date: 2011/7/5
> Subject: world passport
> To: econowmix at googlegroups.com
> http://www.worldgovernment. <http://www.worldgovernment.org/reg.html?s=1>
> org/reg.html?s=1 <http://www.worldgovernment.org/reg.html?s=1>
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Service_Authority
> ///
> yesbo.de/kingeddy
> [image: Worldpassport_cover]<http://yesbo.de/kingeddy/files/2011/07/passport1a.png>
> [image: Worldpassport_innen]<http://yesbo.de/kingeddy/files/2011/07/passport2.png>
> Weltpass
> Weltpass_Innenseite
> Natürlich habe ich diesen Weltreisepass sofort auf die iranische Botschaft
> getragen und ein Visum für den Iran für diesen Sommer beantragt. Nach 2
> Wochen bearbeitungszeit habe ich dann das Visum bekommen. Ich habe einen
> Freund in Tehran und den will ich in diesem Sommer besuchen.
> [image: Visa_iran] <http://yesbo.de/kingeddy/files/2011/07/passport3.png>
> Visa Iran
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