[P2P-F] [Demonetize.it] platform

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 10:05:57 CET 2011

thanks raffael, forwarding the demonetarization initiative to our mailing


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Raffael Kemenczy <raffael at kemenczy.at>wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> I modified the wiki article on the Network of European Technocrats and
> created the European Organisation for Sustainability page (name was changed,
> I am a member). I also added reference to The Starfish and the Spider Book
> as the idea for the Project's name came from it.
> As we were writing about this topic, I'd like to forward the attached
> e-mail to you (maybe you've already seen it, as I just saw that Franz
> Nahrada is also on the list). Feel free to forward this to interested
> parties as I am sure it intersects with the areas you are working in as
> well.
> Kind regards,
> Raffael
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Andreas Exner <andreas.exner at chello.at>
> Date: 11 January 2011 10:44
> Subject: [Demonetize.it] platform - open mailing list
>  Hi everybody
>  I'm very glad to make the list of people who signalled interest to work
> on a de- monetarization project now open to everybody. Some requests are
> still open (e.g. to Harry Cleaver, Raul Zelik, indigenous networks). Please
> spread the invitation if you know people who might be interested in such an
> initiative.
>  This is the content of this mail:
>  1. PEOPLE
>  Beneath you'll find the original invititation.
>  1. PEOPLE
>  Some very quick and rough information on the people who would like to
> build a platform "demonetarization" or who signalled considerable interest
> in such a project - please post your corrections if I got something wrong or
> if you'd like to present yourself otherwise.
> Franz Nahrada (Globally Integrated Village Environment, *
> http://www.give.at/* <http://www.give.at/> , networker, commons, Vienna)
>  Athanasios Karathanassis (political ecology, regulation theory, Hannover,
> "Naturzerstörung und kapitalistisches Wachstum", *http://www.amazon.de/Naturzerst%C3%B6rung-kapitalistisches-
> %C3%96kosysteme-%C3%B6konomischer-Entwicklungen/dp/3899650182*<http://www.amazon.de/Naturzerst%C3%B6rung-kapitalistisches-%C3%96kosysteme-%C3%B6konomischer-Entwicklungen/dp/3899650182>)
>  John Holloway ("Change the World without Taking Power", *
> http://libcom.org/library/change-world-without-taking-power-john-holloway*<http://libcom.org/library/change-world-without-taking-power-john-holloway>, Puebla)
>  Gustavo Esteva ("Post-Development", *http://gustavoesteva.com/*<http://gustavoesteva.com/>
> *)*
>  Lars Stubbe (works on social movements in Latin America, engages in an
> autonomous trade union group, Kassel)
>  Nikola Winter (works within the "Zeitgeist-Movement"; she is interested
> in the project as a "private person") *
> http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/*<http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/>
>  Martin Scheuringer (editor of "Streifzüge", *http://www.streifzuege.org/*<http://www.streifzuege.org/>
> *)*
>  Raffael Kemenczy (works on models to organize a demonetized economy, *
> www.kemenczy.at* <http://www.kemenczy.at> , works together with EOS   *
> www.eoslife.eu* <http://www.eoslife.eu> )
>  Alfred Fresin (works on a model to organize a demonetized economy,
> "Bedürfnisorientierte Versorgungswirtschaft", *http://stattkapitalismus.blogsport.de/2009/05/07/ergaenzung-die-bedeutung-
> der-stimmigen-kritik-der-marktwirtschaft-fuer-eine-al*<http://stattkapitalismus.blogsport.de/2009/05/07/ergaenzung-die-bedeutung-der-stimmigen-kritik-der-marktwirtschaft-fuer-eine-alternative/>
> *)*
>  Genevieve Vaughan ("For-Giving. A Feminist Critique of Exchange", *
> http://www.for-giving.com/* <http://www.for-giving.com/> *)*
>  Werner Rätz (Attac Germany, basic income, *http://www.attac.de/was-ist-
> attac/gruppen/?L=2&ognum=10007*<http://www.attac.de/was-ist-attac/gruppen/?L=2&ognum=10007>)
>  Friederike Habermann (People's Global Action, works on feminism,
> solidarity economy, Berlin)
>  Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen (one of the founders of the paradigm of
> "subsistence economy", feminist, part-time in Vienna)
>  Thorsten Endlein (works on solidarity economy, *
> http://www.kritischeuni.de/* <http://www.kritischeuni.de/> *, *Kassel)
>  Helge Buttkereit (works on social movements in Latin America, *
> http://www.buttkereit.info/* <http://www.buttkereit.info/> *, * works with
> the Hans-Jürgen Krahl Institut, *http://www.hjki.de/*<http://www.hjki.de/> that published a brochure on "Practical Socialism")
>  Christian Lauk (works on political ecology, agrarian metabolism; economic
> growth, *http://www.social-innovation.org/*<http://www.social-innovation.org/>, Vienna)
>  Andreas Exner (works on solidarity economy, economic growth; editor of
> "Streifzüge", *http://www.streifzuege.org/* <http://www.streifzuege.org/>,
> *http://www.social- innovation.org/* <http://www.social-innovation.org/> ,
> *http://krisu.noblogs.org/* <http://krisu.noblogs.org/>  part-time in
> Vienna)
>  Christian Siefkes (commons, "peer economy", *http://www.keimform.de/*<http://www.keimform.de/>, Berlin)
>  Stephanie Grohmann (feminist, working on queer economy, social movements)
>  Stefan Meretz (commons, *http://www.keimform.de/*<http://www.keimform.de/>, Berlin)
> The preliminary "mission statement" - until now no changes to this version
> were submitted - was:
>  "All production and all ways of life rely on unconditional giving, the
> direct communication between producers, cooperation and the riches of the
> earth. Yet the money economy has monopolized our social and natural world
> for its own, self-referential and destructive purpose: profit. The dynamic
> principle of the money economy is capital: money begetting more money. It
> turns human beings into sellers of labour time and consumers of
> commodities; it pits them against each other; it splits the world into
> value and non-value, enchaining, exploiting and deforming what it
> valorizes and destroying what it defines as worthless; it sorts people
> according to competitiveness and subordinates 'the female' to 'the male'.
> The economic and socio-ecological crisis of our times is its result.
> De-monetization, by fostering conscious self-organization of producers, is
> the way out of it. De-monetization is the first prerequisite for a free
> society. Yet for a de-monetized society to be free from social domination,
> a new mode of organizing production and new ways of life must be
> developed. De-monetization is present in a broad range of debates and
> practices for another society, that is possible and necessary. This
> initiative makes them visible, brings them together and explores their
> differences."
>  For the weblog and our own self-definition we would need a consensual
> version. Please indicate the changes you would like to see. You can post to
> the list - if someone thinks that traffic is too much, please adress it to
> me, I'll collect suggestions and post them in a summary to all of you.
>  Stefan Meretz has suggested to buy the domain "demonetize.it" -
> personally, I think that'll be great. Please let us hear what you think
> about it.
>  We need a German section, so maybe we first try to include it in "
> demonetize.it", as well as possible spanish versions and of course an
> english one.
>  I would propose to introduce three broad categories on the weblog:
>  (a) "Understanding" (all theoretical contributions; why is a de-monetized
> society necessary, why is it possible)
>  (b) "Doing" (how doe de-monetized social relations work? where can such
> relations be found? what is their contribution to the current way of living
> and producing?)
>  (c) "Strategy & Vision" (how can a completely or overwhelmingly de-
> monetized society work? what are necessary steps in this direction? which
> social movements work in this direction? where can de-monetized approaches
> be found in discussions on solidarity economy, commons etc.?)
>  NOTE: the people gathered together here display a wide range of
> theoretical backgrounds, perspectives and even "ethical orientations". This
> project is mainly or even solely about the least common denominator, it is
> definitely NOT about a "maximum consensus". The denominator is (a) a
> de-monetized society is necessary and possible and (b) it must be free of
> social domination. All other questions will be answered in the most
> controversial and heterogenous way!
>  "Demonetize.it" is an intervention that aims at changing the discourse on
> what direction society shall take. It is NOT about building any kind of
> "consensus" tackling all sorts of questions that are left unanswered by the
> demonetization and anti-domination goal. This consensus will neither be
> possible nor necessary (in my view).
>  What do you think about a "networking group" or "support group"
> consisting of the people in this list, that would appear like a "steering
> group" or an "editorial staff" on the weblog (with similar functions
> concerning contributions to the weblog and further activities"? This group
> could be expanded as soon as further people join.
>  Friederike Habermann proposed a meeting in Berlin, during, before or
> after the "Postwachstumskongress" (De-Growth-Congress) of Attac Germany, at
> the end of May. Please tell us if you would like to come.
>  Concerning people not able to come to Berlin, we have to decide how to
> organize our communication: open Email-list? Google-Email-list?
>  Of course, skype is always possible to supplement communication via
> Email.
>  After the launch of a weblog and a consensual version of our "mission
> statement", I would propose to distribute the access data for the weblog to
> everybody so that we can fill in relevant information (papers, people,
> projects).
>  The meeting in Berlin could be used to propose and discuss further steps.
> Making a volume "Demonetize.it - A new paradigm of society" (or something
> similar - both in English and German, i.e. two separate and parallel
> publications) could be one activity. In preparing such a volume, theoretical
> questions and empirical experiences could already be brought into discussion
> within this group (not in the view of reaching "consensus", but in the view
> of making argumentations clear and differences as well as synergies
> unambigous). Another one could be to make a congress in autumn 2012.
>  cheers, Andreas
> PS:
> Original Invitation:
> Hi all
>  I am writing in English, since several english-speaking people are in the
> mail adress, which includes a broad range of people that might be
> interested in one way or the other in a "de-monetization" approach. If
> anyone does not want to be part of this discussion, please give me a sign.
> (I masked your adresses in order to limit unwanted email traffic.)
>  Franz Nahrada had the idea to start a network on the issue of
> "de-monetization". Athanasios Karathanassis (who is working
> on economic growth in a regulation theoretical framework), from
> the Critical University Hannover is also very interested to explore
> the potentials of such an initiative.
>  In brief, I outline a possible view on the topic:
>  1. The exacerbating economic and socio-ecological crisis makes viable
> alternatives urgent
>  2. Capital growth is not an option, but a threat. State intervention is
> at
> best a necessary component on a way to overcome the state as a mode of
> social domination.
>  3. Social movements gain momentum and put forward a range of
> alternatives,
> including most prominently Solidarity Economy, Commons, Basic Income,
> De-Growth. Some of those approaches or the "sub-concepts" contained
> therein are rather academic discussions or theoretical concepts, some of
> them are utopian in character, others are firmly based on real-life
> experience and organically related to social struggles.
>  4. Yet these proposals and conceptualizations are ambigous in so far as
> they mix up categorically different principles of social regulation and
> ways of life: market and non-market, state and non-state. So within
> Solidarity Economy, there is a current strongly opposed to value and
> money; within the Commons as well; within the discourse on Basic Income,
> there is a current that sees money transfer as a mere stepping stone for
> de-monetized production; and within the De-Growth debate, voices raise
> concern whether the money relation is compatible with such a perspective.
>  5. Proposals (and practices) that rely on a further development of the
> money economy and state support will encounter serious limits and
> exacerbate the crisis, since capital, market relations and the state are
> tightly interlinked and actually just different aspects of a society based
> on capital, patriarchy and other forms of social domination.
>  6. In each of the above mentioned proposals (and practices), a social and
> theoretical current is present, that aims at a de-monetized mode of
> production. Yet this current is hardly visible since it is intermingled
> with a broad range of theoretical debate and activism that just aims at
> prolonging value and the commodity form, exchange of equivalents, money -
> and in the end, maybe unintended yet necessarily so: capital, the state
> and androcentrism.
>  7. It seems thus to be a promising step forward in the direction of real
> alternatives to make categorical differences clear and a matter of serious
> discussion: Should we aim to promote a conscious way of organizing social
> production, i.e. abolish/transcend the commodity form, money and capital?
> Or should we just try to "reform" capital?
>  8. As a first step, a weblog should be launched that serves as a platform
> to (a) present the issue, indicate relevant links to papers, researchers,
> ideas, activists and practical projects, (b) gain support and enable
> networking, (c) sort out different approaches and perspectives within a
> de-monetization paradigm. Languages should be German and English (maybe a
> set up of two sister weblogs might be an option).
>  9. The initiative should aim at organizing a congress, maybe, for
> practical reasons, in a German-speaking country (depending on resources).
> Time frame: 2012, autumn.
>  10. Publications should be prepared, maybe as a volume of selected papers
> on the issue
>  11. The overall aim is (a) to make de-monetization visible as a clear and
> strong paradigm that transcends the current society, (b) to link de-
> monetization perspectives present in different alternative practices and
> debates, (c) to initiate and/or foster a discourse on de-monetization both
> on an academic and a social movement level. The core task should be very
> narrowly defined: against social domination, value and its different forms
> (money, capital etc.). Yet from this core, a broad variety of discussions
> might (a) reach out to approaches that rather try to limit the money
> relation or push for a selective de-commodification and (b) engage with
> those related approaches in a serious and critical discussion.
>  I would like to put forward the following short "mission statement" as a
> first proposal for a working consensus in view of the above-mentioned
> weblog, which should be as narrow as necessary and as broad as possible,
> being understandable to lay persons (I don't think my proposal is
> convincing, but it might serve as a starting point for further
> discussion):
>  "All production and all ways of life rely on unconditional giving, the
> direct communication between producers, cooperation and the riches of the
> earth. Yet the money economy has monopolized our social and natural world
> for its own, self-referential and destructive purpose: profit. The dynamic
> principle of the money economy is capital: money begetting more money. It
> turns human beings into sellers of labour time and consumers of
> commodities; it pits them against each other; it splits the world into
> value and non-value, enchaining, exploiting and deforming what it
> valorizes and destroying what it defines as worthless; it sorts people
> according to competitiveness and subordinates 'the female' to 'the male'.
> The economic and socio-ecological crisis of our times is its result.
> De-monetization, by fostering conscious self-organization of producers, is
> the way out of it. De-monetization is the first prerequisite for a free
> society. Yet for a de-monetized society to be free from social domination,
> a new mode of organizing production and new ways of life must be
> developed. De-monetization is present in a broad range of debates and
> practices for another society, that is possible and necessary. This
> initiative makes them visible, brings them together and explores their
> differences."
>  Please let me know what your ideas are on such an initiative, if you have
> time and if you are interested. I will collect your responses and make an
> updated and transparent email list including those that signalled interest
> in further developing the idea.
>  I wish you all the best and a Happy New Year 2011,
> Andreas

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